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Rammus Build Guide by TheOtherLink

Support/AD/Tank Rammus

Support/AD/Tank Rammus

Updated on December 21, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TheOtherLink Build Guide By TheOtherLink 3,872 Views 0 Comments
3,872 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author TheOtherLink Rammus Build Guide By TheOtherLink Updated on December 21, 2011
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I looked at some builds for Rammus but I dont think that those guides are realy good so I made one myself and I'm here to show it to you guys.
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Becaus Rammus is a tank I chose these runes so you get more armor/magic resis/dodge in the start in the game what is realy helpfull and these will also help you later on.
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I took most of my points and put those in defense, I dont think i need to explain why I did that (seeing as this is a tank build), and some points in mana regen and movement speed. Why the mana regen/ movement speed? Well becaus the movement speed is realy helpfull with powerball to chase enemy's (you can dive turrets with this build) and in ganking.
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These items are all helping Rammus no matter how you look at it. I took a lot of armor to get some AD. Magic resist for the spells and Atma's Impaler last to get 2% attack damage from your maximum health(thats why you get Warmog's Armor so you get even more AD)
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Skill Sequence

I took powerball first so you can get to your lane realy fast and start the fight, I did put it as last to go up becaus you only need the movement speed. After that i took defensive ball curl. I did that so you return some damage from the person who is attacking and gain bonus armor (its realy important that you level this first becaus this is why Rammus is a tank, if you level this last it would be stupid and you will be feeding a lot) i put 1 point in puncturing taunt to let the people who are running stay a little longer in the lane, this can be the difference between a kill and one that youre like: lucker!. Its important to raise this the second becaus people can buy tenacity(T.T) and get away in 1 second in stead of three. The ult of Rammus is only there to destroy turrets (in my opinion) if there are enemy's turret hugging and the turret is and 25% of its health. Use this to kill the turret, powerball to the enemy and puncturing taunt so youre teammates will catch up.
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Summoner Spells

I didnt realy knew what to pick becaus as a tank youre realy supportive until later on in this build so i picked fortify so youll keep youre turrets until youre stronger and flash is there if youre all alone and being ganked.
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Team Work

If youre with your friends I would say: let the others pick as much damage as possible (dont worry you wont die that much, I had a 40 minute game and only died three time thanks to this build ;) and maybe a healer so youll survive longer (like Sona who gives you more defense when she heals you)
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Ok so the items are realy expensive but you should only farm when your teammate isnt around or when the enemy is at the turret (becaus as I said youre support) if you have trouble getting this much money I say get and money items( like hearth of gold)
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Well thats the end of this build hope you enjoy and remember Spin to win (i know Garen but isnt that the same for Rammus?)
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TheOtherLink
TheOtherLink Rammus Guide
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Support/AD/Tank Rammus

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