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Recommended Items
Runes: Supporting Gold
+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Exhaust, Flash
Threats & Synergies
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Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Just a Counter No matter where Heimer goes. Picks up turrets hits you with them.
Champion Build Guide
Welcome to Support Heimerdinger
I'm gonna give a quick rundown of support Heimerdinger, with some small reminders of how to support in general. The Focus of this Guide and Build is to gain gold since you will be a broke heimerdinger support with barely any gold.
1st: Your job is to support the team to win.
(that means we aren't here for kills/ks, cs, or to carry the game)
2nd: You are the primary vision controler for you team besides jungle.
(thats means ward alot and clear vision alot)
3rd: Your here to get enemies low, slow, stunned, and weakened.
Simple right?
You may get kills, cs, and towers as needed or if the situation arives.
You might die and lose the game trying to clear or get vision.
Not so simple now?
Alot of the games in League of Legends are situational depending on the enemy champion picks, items, tactics, and skill level.(that means not every match with be as easy as this guide makes it seem.)
If you need to build a different item then do it, some games require Banshee's Veil others need Seekers Armguard into Zhyonas. You might need heal cut cause of an enemy soraka so rush oblivion orb and get back on track on the build.
Now on to what you need to know for Heimerdinger, Heimer is a Zone Control Burst Mage with DOT damage. (that means stay near or fight around turrets and you have options for your Ultimate.)
How do you get gold as Heimerdinger?
You can spam rockets, place turret and wait for autos to hit, Grenade combo with turrets nearby to laser the enemy for huge chunks of damage with massive gold gains. To make sure you strike 1st practice dodging skill shots in aram or Arena when it comes back. turret movement speed passive should help with this.
Your main Ultimate choice should mostly be Ulti Grenade, if not go Ulti Turret it's always up to cast. Only Ulti Rocket if you know you can burst the low health enemy down.
Play near your turrets and kite to safety, you just have to bait the enemy in to your turret zone then spring the trap. Play off ally Hard cc to win fights as well.
That should be it for now, wanted to keep it short since it may never be read...
Let me know if you want the rest of the info, with pictures, videos, maps/charts and icons.
1st: Your job is to support the team to win.
(that means we aren't here for kills/ks, cs, or to carry the game)
2nd: You are the primary vision controler for you team besides jungle.
(thats means ward alot and clear vision alot)
3rd: Your here to get enemies low, slow, stunned, and weakened.
Simple right?
You may get kills, cs, and towers as needed or if the situation arives.
You might die and lose the game trying to clear or get vision.
Not so simple now?
Alot of the games in League of Legends are situational depending on the enemy champion picks, items, tactics, and skill level.(that means not every match with be as easy as this guide makes it seem.)
If you need to build a different item then do it, some games require Banshee's Veil others need Seekers Armguard into Zhyonas. You might need heal cut cause of an enemy soraka so rush oblivion orb and get back on track on the build.
Now on to what you need to know for Heimerdinger, Heimer is a Zone Control Burst Mage with DOT damage. (that means stay near or fight around turrets and you have options for your Ultimate.)
How do you get gold as Heimerdinger?
You can spam rockets, place turret and wait for autos to hit, Grenade combo with turrets nearby to laser the enemy for huge chunks of damage with massive gold gains. To make sure you strike 1st practice dodging skill shots in aram or Arena when it comes back. turret movement speed passive should help with this.
Your main Ultimate choice should mostly be Ulti Grenade, if not go Ulti Turret it's always up to cast. Only Ulti Rocket if you know you can burst the low health enemy down.
Play near your turrets and kite to safety, you just have to bait the enemy in to your turret zone then spring the trap. Play off ally Hard cc to win fights as well.
That should be it for now, wanted to keep it short since it may never be read...
Let me know if you want the rest of the info, with pictures, videos, maps/charts and icons.
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