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SIt under turret, she will try to kill you at level 2. Just avoid being close to minion wave from the beginning, it won't work.
If you dodge every tentacle, you should be fine, but you both like, when you are close to your targets and she deals more damage, so try to keep your distance with Phase Rush
It's all about you making a mistake. If you miss a skillshot, he immediately gets a kill pressure on you. Getting close is lethal, Phase Rush required!
Dr. Mundo
Early game is fairly easy, but later he outtanks 1v5, so try not to get to late game.
This lane is really even, complete skill matchup. It's kinda game over, if he is able to hit his last Q
He can simply jump at you over and over again. Call your jungler and try to delay his hyper carrying.
His shield is annoying, but he excels at crushing AD champs, not AP. Pretty even
If he gets you into the cage on level 6, prepare to die. Poke him early, then play safe.
This champ is just...stupid. Again, poke him early and prepare to die at 6
Unplayable, his Q has too much heal reduction and he can engage,
whenever he wants
She has no damage compared to you, early on. Your 6 is so much better, than hers.
Strong bruiser usually equals you losing. It's no exception here. Her E hitbox is bad, so it's almost undodgeable.
Stupid champ, one of the hardest lanes. I managed to kill few bad Fioras, but if she isn't completely braindamaged, you are dead.
Tank Cho is probably a harder matchup than AP Cho. Dodge his Q's and punish him for the missed ones.
The most boring lane ever. He will outheal everyone in the late game, just like Mundo. Both of you don't have kill pressure on lane, tho
Bait out his wind wall and kill him. Your 6 is much better.
His W counters you hard, so you won't get many soul fragments on the lane, just deal with it. You should be winning all-ins.
Another hard scaler. Bully him early, take Phase Rush and watch him outscale :/
Dodge her spells, lol. Your gives you a kill pressure, but at the same time, her R denies yours.
Don't get knocked up by his E and you should be fine. His W counters your E, so it's similar to Gangplank
He always was a counter to Swain, but when they made him max W, this lane became so much more in favor of Sylas.
Strong bruiser = you dead
Don't get hit by his grab and you won
RIven abusers will win every matchup, so there go your chances of winning
His W is stupid as him itself, he will play safe early and then wreck you and outscale the hell outta you...
Another strong bruiser, call your jungler
Absolute nightmare of a matchup, rush Zhonya
Amumu has finally found a friend and his name is Swain :3 CC to a group of people is what Swain likes
CC, CC, CC, CC. You like that
If she manages to stun more people with her ult, go in and suck 'em all
Amumu has finally found a friend and his name is Swain :3 CC to a group of people is what Swain likes
CC, CC, CC, CC. You like that
If she manages to stun more people with her ult, go in and suck 'em all
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