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Taliyah Build Guide by MrMursu

AP Carry Taliyah mid [6.21]

AP Carry Taliyah mid [6.21]

Updated on November 1, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author MrMursu Build Guide By MrMursu 6,309 Views 0 Comments
6,309 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author MrMursu Taliyah Build Guide By MrMursu Updated on November 1, 2016
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LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

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Hi Guys

Hi im taliyah main from plat 2 and i have been grined from plat 5 to 2 with mostly only taliyah and with this build. i have been learned about this champ and this is my guide for u guys. this build is very good in this new patch 6.18 and it will work in next patch too.
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Pros / Cons


+ very good in teamfights
+ good damage with combo
+ very goods roam with ult to other lanes
+ easy lanes when enemy does not have cc and low early game
+ hard to counter
+ good poke skills


-hard to fight vs enemys who have dodge skills or one click stun with hing bursts
- if u miss Seismic Shove (W) taliyah lose kit and its easy to kill
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one of usually and good combo is W-E-Q.
Throw enemy with Seismic Shove (W) to Unraveled Earth (E) then start hitting enemy with Threaded Volley (Q).

one other combo is E-W-Q make Unraveled Earth (E) first and then throw enemy with Seismic Shove (W) to Unraveled Earth then start hit enemy with Seismic Shove (W).
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Summoner spells

Usually i use exhaust and flash vs melee enemys like yasuo.

If you wanna roam mutch u should pick Tp and Flash.

If you play very agressive start and early game pick ignite and flash.

If enemy is lux, syndra or somebody who can burst at 6 level pick heal or barrier and flash if you are not sure to win early lane with killing her/his without 6 level.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author MrMursu
MrMursu Taliyah Guide
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Taliyah mid [6.21]

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