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+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Blast Shield (PASSIVE)
Vi Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Just no
№1 instant full health "potion", you become unkillabele with her (insert a JoJo reference here)/
№1 instant full health "potion", you become unkillabele with her (insert a JoJo reference here)/
Champion Build Guide
1)Pros of this build
-High survivability (passive gives her shields 15% of her max health, which combined with high resists gives her quite a sturdiness, iven in 1v2 fights)
-Low cost (standart builds involve mythics that cost over 3k gold, frostfire costs only 2.8k, so she gets her powerspike much faster and she also gets a much faster waveclear)
-CC chain (you'd be surprised how many Qs she lands onto her enemies with 40 cdr on only 1 item and boots)
-High efficency in both short and long trades (her Q, E and R deal quite a lot of dammage in short trades and her W grants her damage in long trades)
-Easy laning (base 2 hp regen and shields will make sure you'll stay healthy and your Q makes you impossible to gank)
-Good splitpushing
2)Cons of this build
-Hard times against self-healers
-Weak before 1st item
-No Q landing - and you may pay for your inaccuracity
-People might think you troll
It's simple. You start farming until cinder and boot (aggression only with your jungler), then depending on matchap you continue farming safely or start short trades with Q+aa+E combo. If enemy begins acting aggressive you can Q away or Q right into him, procking aftershock. After Frostfire and completed boot you may continue pushing till T1 is dead or start roaming. Then just complete this build fully and you become a pain-train for your enemies.
4)End of this guide
This build pushed me from S4 straight up to S1 with a tremendous 65% wr in normal games and 56% wr in ranked. So thank you for your attention, I guess.
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