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Teemo Build Guide by Ev3rl8st

ADC Teemo Dark Harvest

ADC Teemo Dark Harvest

Updated on June 8, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Ev3rl8st Build Guide By Ev3rl8st 8 0 27,164 Views 0 Comments
8 0 27,164 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Ev3rl8st Teemo Build Guide By Ev3rl8st Updated on June 8, 2021
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Dark Harvest
Taste of Blood
Eyeball Collection
Ravenous Hunter

Manaflow Band

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


Summoner Spells
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Heal


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Teemo Dark Harvest

By Ev3rl8st
Hi Everyone

If you are looking for an easy champ to understand, Teemo is your Yordle.

He is super easy to understand his abilities and doesn't take long to master how to play him. The more you play this little devil, the more you will enjoy his play style.
Teemo's passive gives extra attack speed, so your ideal strategy is to use this to surprise the enemy. Execute the stealth properly for bonus burst damage or a sneaky get away. Furthermore, use his passive in bushes near top & bottom to execute enemies.

This is your only survival tool, if used properly. Make sure to ALWAYS prioritize BLINDING the enemy champion to negate auto attacks and it ensures your damage in the process. At max rank, this will buy 2.5 extra seconds of living and secure many kills for you!
It passively maximizes your movement speed making you truly the Swift Scout. When using this ability it will aid in chasing kills, escaping fights, and navigating the jungle efficiently.
This ability is the BEST, ALWAYS and I mean ALWAYSMAX E first. The bonus damage from auto attacks, and damage over time is insane. This also pairs well with any AA enhancers.
This is Teemo's iconic ability, and is why he is probably the most hated champ. It is frustrating to play against, but most exciting to play with.
Laning Phase
One of the things to do when playing Teemo ADC sit o always play into the brush. I find it easier to have your support farm the back line creeps until your Spellthief's Edge has upgraded while you farm the front line and cannon creeps, then start farming like crazy.

Teemo works as an ADC with a hard engage champ. Someone like Pantheon id the best bet. Stay hidden in the shrubs and only last hit creeps and auto champs to stack Dark Harvest.
Dark Harvest Teemo
I find as an ADC Teemo.

Dark Harvest works best. I have tried others, but the damage that Dark Harvest brings is insane. Unfortunately, this will only work with a support who understands how Dark Harvest works and will play aggressive.

Even though as Teemo you are hiding in the shrubs to proc your passive, you have to play extremely aggressive with Teemo as an ADC to get your Dark Harvest stacks.
Teemo Fights
Play Teemo similar to an ADC/assassin. For objectives, lay shrooms by the entrances and in likely walk paths. Stand still to proc your passive and wait for the enemy to step on your Shrooms. Then AA - Q - AA to get the maximum damage and watch as they run in fear. Teemo is pretty decent at shredding tanks! Wait for the perfect opportunity and a lucky shroom to be able to clean up and ace them.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Ev3rl8st
Ev3rl8st Teemo Guide
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Teemo Dark Harvest

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