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Demon Shade (PASSIVE)
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Wards are a very big counter to you as an evelynn in the jungle. It will be much harder to gank and they can ward your jungle and theirs.
As an eve you can get pretty good cs from the jungle, and counterjungling. BUT remember not to only worry about cs. You have a BIG advantage with ganks, and try to take advantage early while there are little to no wards. Ganks will always help the lane and you both get fed which all in all can win games simple as that. Even when enemies ward remember you can still gank, you are not useless, either get oracles, vision wards and/or go around longer ways.
I normally start wolves then go to blue, then go to the enemy jungle, wait in the red bush, then wait for them to start hitting it then kill them and steal their red, then go back to my jungle and continue jungling or gank.
As a jungler you can help your top, Adc and mid out tremendously by giving them blue and red later game, don't forget this.. Friendliness and helpfulness gets teamwork and cooperation, and teamwork wins games.
I will post directions of different ways to jungle and gank on eve.
I normally start wolves then go to blue, then go to the enemy jungle, wait in the red bush, then wait for them to start hitting it then kill them and steal their red, then go back to my jungle and continue jungling or gank.
As a jungler you can help your top, Adc and mid out tremendously by giving them blue and red later game, don't forget this.. Friendliness and helpfulness gets teamwork and cooperation, and teamwork wins games.
I will post directions of different ways to jungle and gank on eve.
Amazing Attack Damage
Kills people insanely fast
Quick Jungle Speed
Good Ganks
Good Escapes
Can Be Shutdown With Armor (Unless you get armor pen)
Will be Targeted
Wards, wards, wards. I can not stress this enough! Try to get your support to get oracles.
Oracles. (Try to kill the ones with oracles)
Lee Sin is a common counter jungler, he likes to get all up in your jungle and still your creeps, blue, and red all day err day, so ward your jungle and be careful for he might be lurking in your bushes.
Shyvana is one of the strongest, if not strongest, counter junglers in game. She will absolutely destroy you 1v1 in the jungle, and she has very very quick clearing time and no mana so beware and ward and be very careful of bushes and early game.
Nocturne is a decent counter jungler he'll enjoy munching on your creeps and with his ult you wont see what hit you because you'll expect him to be ulting a lane, but instead could be ulting you. SO becareful as with all the others.
Shyvana is one of the strongest, if not strongest, counter junglers in game. She will absolutely destroy you 1v1 in the jungle, and she has very very quick clearing time and no mana so beware and ward and be very careful of bushes and early game.
Nocturne is a decent counter jungler he'll enjoy munching on your creeps and with his ult you wont see what hit you because you'll expect him to be ulting a lane, but instead could be ulting you. SO becareful as with all the others.
At level 6 you can easily counter jungle a skarner, he will be too slow to catch you, and you'll be easily in and out with your invisibility, swiftness, and great damage.
You can counter jungle a Trundle if you are careful. Ward his blue and/or red and try to steal it early or later in the game. BUT he can 1v1 you early game-mid game so be careful with what you do. Try to save your so you can avoid his Wall and make a succesful escape.
You can counter jungle amumu fairly easy, after blue you could just go to his red and wait then kill him and steal red.
You can counter jungle a Trundle if you are careful. Ward his blue and/or red and try to steal it early or later in the game. BUT he can 1v1 you early game-mid game so be careful with what you do. Try to save your so you can avoid his Wall and make a succesful escape.
You can counter jungle amumu fairly easy, after blue you could just go to his red and wait then kill him and steal red.
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