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Bard Build Guide by Delde229

The Beginners Bard Guide.

The Beginners Bard Guide.

Updated on December 8, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Delde229 Build Guide By Delde229 4,379 Views 0 Comments
4,379 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Delde229 Bard Build Guide By Delde229 Updated on December 8, 2015
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Bard, what up with him?

Bard is a champion that cuaght my attention, just like all of us. However, people saw him as a troll champion because of the "aoe Zhonyas", which turned a lot of people down.

saw him as the most powerful support in the game, and he really is. One single Tempered Fate can save you from a lost game. One perfectly Landed Tempered Fate and you won the game.
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- Awesome champion, really fun to play.
- Amazing Utility.
- Can peel well for anyone.
- Strong in every single stage of the game (early, mid, late)


- Hard to understand. Riot sold Bard as a Roaming support, which leads to an awkward gameplay pattern that not many players know.

- Most important abilities are skillshots. Tempered Fate is extremely hard to land, you need to predict where the enemy might be in order to get a successful ultimate.

- Chimes spawns are funny. Bard NEEDS Chime in order to get stronger in game. While Chimes do spawn near Bard, the spawn further then what people might expect.

- Abilites at first have long cooldowns but after leveling up his abilites and get cdr with items, his ability cooldown become really low, especially his Ultimate.
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How to play Bard, steps

- Play Bard like any other roaming support champion.

- Collect Chimes ONLY when your adc is calling back, heading towards the lane, or the botlane is "abandon". While collecting chimes, see if you can help midlane.

- Ultimate. Use Tempered Fate as an Offensive tool, NEVER as a defensive tool. Let me explain.
Never ult your allies, always ult your enemies. Using Temepred Fate on an ally can impact negatively as it tends to favor the opposing team, Ulting an ally is like a failed Zhonyas.

- Use Tempered Fate as an engage tool. Wheter its in a teamfight or in lane. Use Temepered fate to start a fight. Communicate with your team to follow after the zhinyas effect has ended to secure the team fight. As Bard, after landing a successful Ultimate, get close to the enemy to follow up with cosmic binding to stun the enemy.

- MAgical Journey. Use it as an escape tool or an ability to stop an enemy from fleeing (sandwhich the enemy).

- Care Taker Shrine. Do not spam Care taker shrine during the lanning phase, it costs a lot of mana and can make Bard go oom.Only use care Taker´s Shrine when necessary. If you´re ahead in the lanning phase, place two shrines behind you for a quicj escape and heal if needed.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Delde229
Delde229 Bard Guide
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The Beginners Bard Guide.

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