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Braum Build Guide by Chaese

Support The heart is the strongest muscle

Support The heart is the strongest muscle

Updated on January 17, 2019
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Chaese Build Guide By Chaese 2,437 Views 0 Comments
2,437 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Chaese Braum Build Guide By Chaese Updated on January 17, 2019
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Shield Bash

Approach Velocity
Magical Footwear

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
+65 Base Health


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Heal


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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Champion Build Guide

The heart is the strongest muscle

By Chaese

Braum's first ability is Concussive Blows. Braum adds stacks of Concussive Blows to enemies with basic attacks or Winter's Bite. He and his allies continue to add stacks with basic attacks. At 4 stacks their target will be stunned.

Winter's Bite shoots out a projectile that slows enemies and adds a stack of Concussive Blows. You want to typically send out this first, and if it hits have your ADC follow up and attack relentlessly. The slow can be useful for your ADC to chase the enemy hit.
Stand Behind Me dashes you towards an allied minion or champion. Use this to quickly dash towards a minion and send you your Winter's Bite out, and surprise them with a slow and get your stacks in.
Unbreakable is one of braum's most important abilities. Unbreakable intercepts all projectiles causing them to hit him and be destroyed. He negates the damage of the first attack completely and reduces the damage of all subsequent attacks from this direction for 3-4 seconds. Super Mega Death Rocket!, or Ashe's Enchanted Crystal Arrow can be blocked, this is one of the reasons that Braum is very good.
Activating Glacial Fissure causes him to slam his shield onto the ground, knocking up the first person he hits, then the people that he hits afterwards are knocked up for a smaller time. A zone is created that slows enemies. This can greatly affect the outcome of a teamfight.
Braum's main combo is Stand Behind Me --> Unbreakable. This is for when you are trying to protect your ADC. If you want to deal some damage, you want to do Stand Behind Me --> Winter's Bite --> back yourself up with some autoattacks.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Chaese
Chaese Braum Guide
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The heart is the strongest muscle

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