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A good draven is a nightmare for us. He pressures us from lvl 1 , he doesn't let us farm with autos and coupled with an agressive support is a recipe for disaster for a ziggs apc. Try to Q where his axes will fall and always , ALWAYS try to displace him with w ,during engages, so he drops an axe.
Propably the worst match up for us as an enemy adc. She has a jump ( so we propably will miss most of our ulties) . Lvl 2 with an agressive supp she can engage and win lane and she outscales you hard ( even at pushing power) top ban for me. Try to w her during jump ( put w on the path that you think she will jump and cancel it) , this helps in stoping her from escaping and stop her from all-ining you.
A poke lane, you have more damage early but he will propably deal more late game if he is good. Try to shut him down early with your support. Pretty much a skill match up.( lots of skillshots) . Not much in the form of tips :/
She is in a pretty bad spot rn and she doesn.t have a dash , so you can unload all your stuff on her without worrying. ALWAYS keep a safe distance, if she manages to get close and you don't have w you are most likely dead.
As for enemy Junglers , zac is propalby the worst to have. He has a long engage meaning you can't bomb enemies from the backline safely and if he falls on you he kinda oneshots you along with making your w escape attempt pretty difficult with all the displacement he has. TIP: Like tristana try to cancel his jump mid-air with w.
The only reason that makes caitlyn a tough matchup is the fact that she has huge auto range ,which means she is extremely tough to hit her will skillshots as most of the time she is far from her minnions.
No dash, no slow, abysmally bad early. With an agressive support the lane is free as long as he does't get kills early. Poke him to death and make him hate his life.
Same as twitch, super bad early, and (with the exception of calibrum) pretty short range. Easy to poke and to engage on with the added bonus of not having a dash.
Fizz, Kassa, Zed , Kata ( and a bit Eve) is your worst nightmare if they get fed. Second item zhonyas always and try to not push so you can deny him roam kills.
Fizz, Kassa, Zed , Kata ( and a bit Eve) is your worst nightmare if they get fed. Second item zhonyas always and try to not push so you can deny him roam kills.
Fizz, Kassa, Zed , Kata ( and a bit Eve) is your worst nightmare if they get fed. Second item zhonyas always and try to not push so you can deny him roam kills.
Fizz, Kassa, Zed , Kata ( and a bit Eve) is your worst nightmare if they get fed. Second item zhonyas always and try to not push so you can deny him roam kills.
Like ezreal , its a skill match-up . He hits his skillshots he wins, you hit your shillshot you win. If you get early lead it is easy af lane.
Avoid her w and you can easily win this with an agressive support as you have longer range and she needs time to scale.
A lot of people play kai sa. A good kai sa player will be hard to hit and after 6 she can all in and kill you fairly easy if you are even in lane. If its a bad kai sa then its free lane cause of low range and long time to scale.
You got slows, she is been twarted by slows. Plus noone is playing her ( sadly because she is really fun to play)
Unless he has a lulu by his side, with an agressive support its free lane.
Nobody plays him botlane any more, but he is fairly even lane.Watch out for his burst and always throw w after he has e'd.
Miss Fortune
No dashes, mediocre early. Dont stand behind low hp minnions and you can easily poke her to death .
Tough matchup. If she gets a support with a lot of cc its propably lost lane unless you are a dodge god and dodge all of their cc. In that case , urge your support to pick alistart ,leo or nautilus and you can easily win the lane.
Nobody plays her, but she is a good enemy with a lot of wave clear late game which denies a lot of your pushing power. No dashes , pre 6 its free lane.
Yasuo bot is free lane with a cc support , if your support ints and goes enchanter you guys are doomed.
Same as jhin and ezreal. Skill matchup , a bit on your favor cause you have more potent poke early.
Low range and a short dash. Free lane pre 6 , just look out for her lvl 6 All in power.
The only enemy supp that can be any sort of problem. She got better poke and she gives shield and ms to her adc making your dmg less and making your skills miss.
Not big enough range to poke. But she denies a lot of your damage.
Stay far, behind minions , w him when he runs at you and its easy lane.
She doesnt have enough range to reach you pre lvl 6 so you can easily poke her adc without problem. Still tho she has a lot of cc and a lot of suprising dmg.
He is like karma, he gives ms making your skillshots harder to hit and he can poke you as well. After lvl 6 he denies your existence by reviving your ulty target.
Any enemy mage support can do you no harm as long as you know the fundamentals of dodging skillshots. With an agressive support its free lane.
Any enemy mage support can do you no harm as long as you know the fundamentals of dodging skillshots. With an agressive support its free lane. Lux has a bit longer range tho so she is harded to hit.
Any enemy mage support can do you no harm as long as you know the fundamentals of dodging skillshots. With an agressive support its free lane.
Cancel his q wind up with w and you are safe. Watch out for his lvl 2 all in.
Oh boy , lanes with a good leona are as easy as they get. You beat any botlane combination in any stage of the game. Great cc , great damage amplification, overall an easy lane.
Oh the ol'double mage botlane. A good swain who hits e's consistently is a perfect support. He provides a good frontline and he deals as much dmg as you.
A good blitz is hard to come by these days thats why he is not in the ideal synergies. Overall a good support for ziggs.
Perfect lock up and perfect cc chain, one of the best supports.
Enchanters are not a good fit for Ziggs , They dont provide any cc and they dont help you dominate your lane and set up your abilities.
Enchanters are not a good fit for Ziggs , They dont provide any cc and they dont help you dominate your lane and set up your abilities. Soraka gives can also poke them pretty hard along with you tho so its not the worst.
A good synergy. Good poke and his ulty can set you up for a good ulty - e
Doesnt really provide the continious cc the Ziggs needs, still a fine support tho.
Poke duo op. She protec, she attac but most importantly she shield your bac.
Cant really take advantage of his passive. Good ulty synergies tho.
Propably the best support for Ziggs, outstandingly op engage on a lot of people, a lot of cc and the perfect set up for your ulty.
Good peel but sadly thats how far that synergy gets.
A good pyke can win the lane solo, a bad one can lose the game solo.
Good cc but it requires a bit of skill to hit it. Good pushing power tho with ziggs.
Do i need to explain this ?
Best Jungler to have as Ziggs. Engages the squishies, puts them togeather and let you bomb the hell our of them.
A q hit means the enemy adc dies. She has decent poke early and she can buff up the damage of your abilities making you are suport squirel with nukes instead of regular bombs . 10/10
Good synergy, you dont see him a lot these days tho.
Oh boy , lanes with a good leona are as easy as they get. You beat any botlane combination in any stage of the game. Great cc , great damage amplification, overall an easy lane.
Oh the ol'double mage botlane. A good swain who hits e's consistently is a perfect support. He provides a good frontline and he deals as much dmg as you.
A good blitz is hard to come by these days thats why he is not in the ideal synergies. Overall a good support for ziggs.
Perfect lock up and perfect cc chain, one of the best supports.
Enchanters are not a good fit for Ziggs , They dont provide any cc and they dont help you dominate your lane and set up your abilities.
Enchanters are not a good fit for Ziggs , They dont provide any cc and they dont help you dominate your lane and set up your abilities. Soraka gives can also poke them pretty hard along with you tho so its not the worst.
A good synergy. Good poke and his ulty can set you up for a good ulty - e
Doesnt really provide the continious cc the Ziggs needs, still a fine support tho.
Poke duo op. She protec, she attac but most importantly she shield your bac.
Cant really take advantage of his passive. Good ulty synergies tho.
Propably the best support for Ziggs, outstandingly op engage on a lot of people, a lot of cc and the perfect set up for your ulty.
Good peel but sadly thats how far that synergy gets.
A good pyke can win the lane solo, a bad one can lose the game solo.
Good cc but it requires a bit of skill to hit it. Good pushing power tho with ziggs.
Do i need to explain this ?
Best Jungler to have as Ziggs. Engages the squishies, puts them togeather and let you bomb the hell our of them.
A q hit means the enemy adc dies. She has decent poke early and she can buff up the damage of your abilities making you are suport squirel with nukes instead of regular bombs . 10/10
Good synergy, you dont see him a lot these days tho.
Hello guys,i am atm a Diamond II Ziggs botlane main. I have topped dia 1 where i was 6th best ziggs worldwide ( rn i am rank 25 worldwide and rank 2 Eune). I love ziggs botlane as he is fun, safe and pretty much an easy win as long as you have an agressive support.
General game plan
Push,poke, harass until you get to tower where you can get them pesky plates.
HOW TO GET THEM PESKY PLATES YOU ASK ? By spamming your abilities on cd, even if noone is there, that's because you get cd reduction on your passive when you cast an ability, More abilities= More passive = Dead enemy tower. By taking botlane tower you open up you jungler to easier dragon calls and easier roams for your support. But do we stop there ? No i say , we are here to demolish the whole map , and just taking the first tower on bot doesnt satisfy ziggs's thirst for blown up towers. The moment you destroy bot lane tower you recall and go mid while telling your midlane to go botside.Then you push mid, take tower and recall (hopefully your midlane has done some damage to the enemy tower ) . Then you go for top tower while teling your toplaner to rotate midlane. Like that you manage to clear all the tier 1 towers , giving your whole team a bug gold advantage, opening oportunities for easier objectives ( dragon, herald) while in the same time enemy botlane is struggling to fight your 2 lvls up midlaner. Well this is obviously a pretty optimistic start for a game , but it happens more times that you would expect and it insta means you win the game without taking a single kill. After that you help your jungler take objectives by using e and w on choke points near dragon , herald and baron ( you have ammased so much gold that your e takes about half of the enemy hp away if they step on it).
The ol'w insec.
Many enemy botlaners when they see ap ziggs they try to shove the wave and harass you at lvl 1 and 2 so you lose your pushing power( which doesnt really makes sense cause q and passive can help you farm under tower quite easily) . Thats where the w lvl 2 comes in. You wait for them to come close to poke your as#, you put a w behind them and push them in the tower or on your supports arms why usually means a fist blood. Dont forget W is the most important tool on a good ziggs kit. It gives you escape , it helps you push out more damage ( position your w in a place that pushes enemies in more of your E mines or in the center of your R) and dont forget the tower demolishing part. SO USE YOUR W CAREFULLY .
How to poke early
Obviously with your Q duh? but jokes aside you should never in most cases try to hit enemies with your q directly, try to hit your q on minions near the enemies so you can safely farm AND poke them to death. Also try yo block potential escape roots with your e and w and remember that w can push enemies BACK to you and your support.
That's all
Get out there and destroy some towers for me :) Thanks for reading this guide , any feedback is welcome.
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