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Zoe is only an extreme threat if the enemy player is a one trick or really skilled and is able to land very long range sleeps and Q's on you because Zoe has insane burst damage against almost every champ.
Vayne can be a super high threat if your bot lane feed her and allows her to level and itemize early because of the amount of burst damage and true damage she can deal with her passive which can be really problematic when you add it to her insane mobility.
Trundle can be a really big counter because his ultimate steals armor and magic resist along with health which are all the biggest reasons that make poppy a good pick. Trundle is a really good pick against other bruiser tanks and can be very troublesome into the late game.
Viego can be a big threat because of his passive which gives him a large amount of percentage health damage on his autos which can make it really hard to win extended trades with him.
Vi is a threat because the passive on her E shreds you armor and allows you to take more damage from multiple sources which can be really problematic if they have other strong AD champs such as vayne or tryndamere.
Poppy doesnt have many extreme threats but she has many even to major threats because she can be very easily cc'ed. So with people like Zyra make sure you watch our for her long range root and her ultimate knockup and you should be ok
Senna doesn't really become a problem until the late game when she has a lot of stacks on her passive and gains an insane amount of attack range which can make her almost impossible to engage if she is running glacial augment because of its slow
Anivia is a very good synergy with poppy because you can use your E to stun people into anivias wall making for a very fast and very easy to land stun that most people cant react to fast enough to avoid
Ashe has really nice synergy with poppy because her passive slow helps poppy really run down enemies and Q + E them while ashe is also slamming them with autos.
Morgana is a pretty easy to see synergy because she has super high cc and on top of that has a really nice spell shield that can allow you to escape cc yourself so that you can continue fighting
Karma also has both really nice cc and a very useful movement speed buff on her E which helps you run down anyone you have to when your ganking or running to objectives
Zilean is also a really nice synergy because he has one of the highest movement speed buffs in the entirety of the support lane which is really important for poppy so she can maneuver around her E to land her stuns and to land easy Q's for damage. Plus he can revive you and other teammates which is always helpful
Veigar is a good synergy with poppy but not the greatest as all he really has to offer her is his E which can help her land her own abilities or help knock them away with her R
Ahri is strong simply because she has an easy to land charm which can really help both her and your own damage output on top of having an easier time landing your E, but because she can only really offer poppy a charm shes not a top synergy
Alistar is a really strong synergy with poppy because hes also tanky and has a lot of cc, hes not an ideal pick tho because with alistar you have to rely on your adc getting kills and getting fed so that your team can get a nice damage output. But he is still really useful for you to be able to land your Q's and E's much easier
Amumu is a pretty standard synergy that you can use in the support lane with his easy to land Q's and insane AoE stun ult that can help poppy land her Q and her E insanely easy, plus he also gives massive amounts of peel as well
Anivia is a very good synergy with poppy because you can use your E to stun people into anivias wall making for a very fast and very easy to land stun that most people cant react to fast enough to avoid
Ashe has really nice synergy with poppy because her passive slow helps poppy really run down enemies and Q + E them while ashe is also slamming them with autos.
Morgana is a pretty easy to see synergy because she has super high cc and on top of that has a really nice spell shield that can allow you to escape cc yourself so that you can continue fighting
Karma also has both really nice cc and a very useful movement speed buff on her E which helps you run down anyone you have to when your ganking or running to objectives
Zilean is also a really nice synergy because he has one of the highest movement speed buffs in the entirety of the support lane which is really important for poppy so she can maneuver around her E to land her stuns and to land easy Q's for damage. Plus he can revive you and other teammates which is always helpful
Veigar is a good synergy with poppy but not the greatest as all he really has to offer her is his E which can help her land her own abilities or help knock them away with her R
Ahri is strong simply because she has an easy to land charm which can really help both her and your own damage output on top of having an easier time landing your E, but because she can only really offer poppy a charm shes not a top synergy
Alistar is a really strong synergy with poppy because hes also tanky and has a lot of cc, hes not an ideal pick tho because with alistar you have to rely on your adc getting kills and getting fed so that your team can get a nice damage output. But he is still really useful for you to be able to land your Q's and E's much easier
Amumu is a pretty standard synergy that you can use in the support lane with his easy to land Q's and insane AoE stun ult that can help poppy land her Q and her E insanely easy, plus he also gives massive amounts of peel as well
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