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Yasuo is just a really annoying counter to Zyra. His dashes make it difficult to land both Zyra's Q and E and allows him to escape Zyra's ultimate before it knocks him up. His wind wall blocks both Zyra's E and her plants' auto attacks. Generally try to avoid picking into him.
Fizz doesn't have any skillshots that Zyra's plants can block. If he lands his ultimate on you, you're pretty much a sitting duck waiting to die. Timing his E correctly, Fizz can completely negate your abilities and quickly assassinate you.
Zed, similarly to Fizz, has great engage and no skill shots that be blocked by Zyra's plants. However, Zed cannot 100 to 0 as quickly as Fizz; save your abilities until AFTER he ults you. Place all of your plants and ultimate on top of you to hopefully trap you, and your plants' damage and ignite can hopefully kill him. Best case scenario under a Zed engage is a 1 for 1 trade.
She's a really annoying matchup. Her Q is low cooldown, low mana, and really easy to land. Zyra can trap her and follow up with Q to poke her, however a full-engage Diana can be really dangerous. Like most assassins, Zyra's best option is to place plants and her ultimate on top of her to counter their engage.
Basically the same as Zed and Diana. However, he is much easier to poke. Pre 6 it's somewhat even, just keep your distance and never get within his Q range because that'll be a sticky situation. Post 6, avoid fighting him and wait for teamfights.
His W is rough to deal with. Pooling himself can negate your kit if he times it correctly, and his Q can proc on your plants. Try to keep your distance and avoid fighting him.
Not super difficult. As long as you avoid her stun, you can out-poke her in lane. If she full engages with a jungler, counter engage with your ultimate.
Her Q can be used to gain stun charges off of your plants, however her full engage is low range and your kit can be easily landed onto her when she gets close enough.
Anivia's plants cannot block any of Anivia's abilities, however she will rarely be in a position to fully burst you as long as you keep your distance. She has a poor early game so you can out-poke her.
Maybe a harder matchup than most of the "evens", Veigar's advantage is that her can farm his Q off of your plants. Try not to spawn them unnecessarily, using them only at long range or in trades.
Slightly annoying to deal with but really easy to poke. Avoid her stun and keep distance and you'll be fine.
He has annoying poke, but standing behind your plants can block his stun. If you trap him he's a really easy target.
Easy to poke pre level 6 but be careful of his level 6 engage. Keep wards in bushes to track his jungler.
Your plant autos can easily remove his spell shield. If he gets close to you to ult you, place your plants and ultimate and they'll kill him while he's standing still.
Really easy to poke in lane, and standing behind plants can easily block her charm.
Aurelion Sol
His long W can take out your plants, but if you trap him he's an easy kill.
He has a weak laning phase and Zyra's is really strong. Poke him down and never get too close that he can combo and ultimate you into a tower.
Stand behind plants to dodge his stun. He has good poke but you have better poke.
Super easy to poke. Your AoE abilities can easily hit her even when she's shrouded. If she engages on you, just use your ultimate.
If he tries to engage on you, make sure your plants are down and you can out-damage him.
Easy to poke, can't dodge your skill shots, and even if she ults you, your plants can do heavy damage.
Avoid her snare and you'll be fine. She'll try to E your plants, so just be weary of that.
Her all-in is scary but your plants can block her snare. If she engages, counter with your ultimate and plants.
She's super squishy and easy to poke. Her all-in can be countered with your knockup.
Easy to poke and little damage. Block his ults with your plants.
He has longer range but your plant autos can still poke him. Keep your distance and avoid his E, you should win lane.
If she locks you down with follow up you can easily die, however just hard push and keep her far back and you should be fine.
Battle of the farm. Don't fight him, he won't fight you. Just kill the waves, it's a boring lane.
He has long range, but as long as you dodge his poke, you can shove faster than he can.
In the slight chance you have a Nidalee mid, you automatically win. She'll never land her Q's if you stay next to your plants and she can never match your push.
There are virtually never good Ryze players, and you can easily shove him into tower. He will likely never try to fight you, and if he does, you'll likely win.
Shove her in, poke her out.
Keep your distance and stay near plants. You can easily poke and she can never counter your push.
If you've ever played Heimerdinger mid, Zyra plays extremely similarly. However, Zyra's low cooldowns, low mana costs, and high damage make Zyra a (situationally) better and more fun pick.
Your main goal is to shove the enemy laner into tower. Her plants, combined with AoE Q & E abilities give you better wave clear than most Mid Laners. Zyra has surprising damage when you build her full AP.
Zyra's strongest suit is her survivability. Similar to Heimer, she can easily survive ganks, and many times even get one or two kills if the enemy jungler ganks. Her zoning control and long range plant auto attacks make it extremely difficult to engage on her, and getting close within Zyra's plant garden is always a bad idea. Her huge ultimate allows her to create a large damage field, and all plants within her ult are doubled in power, further allowing her to get a kill or two while dealing with ganks.
Design & Utility
Zyra plays similarly to Heimerdinger but is not necessarily a substitute. She offers much more utility than Heimerdinger, as she's most commonly a support. She has long range, optimal zoning control, and great crowd control. Building Hextech GLP and Rhylai's Crystal Scepter allow her to kite, engage, or disengage with ease.
Zyra is best suited for a team that lacks Magic Damage and/or utility. Zyra mid is a great option if your support is someone like Soraka or Sona, or even Blitzcrank. Zyra is also a great choice if you have a hyper ADC such as Caitlyn/Jinx, an AD toplaner like Fiora/Darius, and an AD jungler like Jarvan/Lee Sin. She offers a huge amount of magic damage and a great amount of consistent zoning and crowd control.
Is It Reliable?
Zyra mid, at least as I would describe her, is a fun alternative to champs like Ziggs and Heimer, that excel in pushing and poke. She's great into squishier mages but can struggle into an assassin.
Blind picking Zyra can be scary in the case that the enemy picks an assassin like Fizz or Zed, however most people would assume that a blind pick Zyra is going support. So, they may just pick a squishy mage that Zyra has no problem with.
Zyra's Best Strengths
Zyra's best strength is her ability to survive, or even triumph enemy ganks. If your getting ganked, simply place all your plants close to you, throw out your E near the enemy jungler, and if you must, use your ultimate. Even if Zyra is extremely vulnerable, it is NEVER a good idea to enter her garden of plants, and using her ultimate atop her plants will double the strength of them. You can usually count on 1. getting a kill, 2. getting 2 kills, or 3. surviving when an enemy jungler ganks you.
Should I Roam?
Zyra isn't a good roamer. It is always a great idea to roam on a champion that hard-pushes. So, if your lane is stagnant, the waves are fully pushed in, or your laner is roaming, it's a good idea to roam as well. She doesn't have very high mobility so a roam from Zyra can seem sort of slow or end up not being the most useful, but being present in a ranked game is the best thing to do. And if, say the enemy bot lane has no vision, a Zyra roam from behind (tri-bush or river bush if the enemy is fully pushed) can be deadly.
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