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Ability Order
An Acquired Taste (PASSIVE)
Tahm Kench Passive Ability
One of the two gimmicks of this build is the runes. Most will take Aftershock or Grasp on TK top, but we want to do DAMAGE. Press the Attack only requires 3 autos to fully proc as well as his passive, so the rune works quite well on him. Also, the bonus attack speed gained from the runes is great for proc'ing both of those as well.
So, the entire point of building TK this way is to win the early game. Normally, when played as a tank, he scales heavy into the mid/late game, and is known for being able to tank massive damage and eat his allies to save them from team fights. However, he sacrifices a good bit of damage when built as a tank.
At level 1, all we will try to do is last hit. You want to get to level 2 as soon as possible, because you need W for your combo. If your opponent makes himself vulnerable, try to get a few autos in, and if you can get all three stacks of An Acquired Taste (AAT), hit him with the Q to stun. However, once you hit level 2, this will become even more important. once you finish that combo, eat your opponent and walk back/spit them toward your tower. You want to keep them in as long as possible, because this allows you to wait through the Q's cooldown. I usually auto them once, Q again, and auto one more time, and by the time you have completed the entire combo, the laner should be dead.
Full Combo--- Auto -> Auto -> Auto -> Q -> Auto -> W -> Auto -> Q - Auto
While this may seem like a long and cumbersome combo, it really isn't. Remember that you receive increased attack speed from your runes.
At level 1, all we will try to do is last hit. You want to get to level 2 as soon as possible, because you need W for your combo. If your opponent makes himself vulnerable, try to get a few autos in, and if you can get all three stacks of An Acquired Taste (AAT), hit him with the Q to stun. However, once you hit level 2, this will become even more important. once you finish that combo, eat your opponent and walk back/spit them toward your tower. You want to keep them in as long as possible, because this allows you to wait through the Q's cooldown. I usually auto them once, Q again, and auto one more time, and by the time you have completed the entire combo, the laner should be dead.
Full Combo--- Auto -> Auto -> Auto -> Q -> Auto -> W -> Auto -> Q - Auto
While this may seem like a long and cumbersome combo, it really isn't. Remember that you receive increased attack speed from your runes.
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