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Soraka Build Guide by Sugas

AD Carry The Unicarry ( Soraka Adc Guide + Build )

AD Carry The Unicarry ( Soraka Adc Guide + Build )

Updated on September 25, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Sugas Build Guide By Sugas 32,970 Views 0 Comments
32,970 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Sugas Soraka Build Guide By Sugas Updated on September 25, 2014
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Hey im not allowed to play League inside the Week anymore, since i got plenty of School problemes and thats why i thought , why dont just make Guides on Mobafire.

Anyway i Will explain to you why soraka is a viable Ad-Carry in this Guide.

I hope for alot of Feedback and please let me know how this Guide worked with you <3.
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Why is Soraka (maybe :p) Good ?

Well Soraka has a root and alot of sustain , aswell as a silence.
This makes her very good against Caster-ADCs like Lucian or Urgot.

If you can land your root you will be able to poke alot and they cant shoot abilities back at you. So be aware of that you schould always win a Trade if you can hit your Root.

The most Important thing to remember is that the Soraka Auto-Attack fly very slow.
This is often makes the enemy underrate your damage output !
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I did Choose this Items because i think they work really great on non Meta ADCs.
They give you everything you need to put out a decent amount of Ad Damage.
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Pros / Cons


+ Slow AAs
+ Sustain
+ Unicorn
+ good for anoying own team


- Ugly feet (that cant be happy)
- Pretty ****ty Ad scaling skills (none)
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Sugas
Sugas Soraka Guide
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The Unicarry ( Soraka Adc Guide + Build )

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