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Twitch Build Guide by Tmeister

Theres a Rumble in the jungle. Psych. It's Twitch

Theres a Rumble in the jungle. Psych. It's Twitch

Updated on September 2, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Tmeister Build Guide By Tmeister 2,726 Views 0 Comments
2,726 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Tmeister Twitch Build Guide By Tmeister Updated on September 2, 2015
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LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


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My name is

I'm an entrepreneur, challenger, pro waffle maker, taric main, part time SADBOY, PPD, phone sex participator, hamam arranger and i am here to teach you how to play Twitch.

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Twitch strats

Twitch is a potent ramen soup, working as a good jungler. It is important to know his ingredients for maximum taste.

Basic Strats

#Strat 1
Use his q "Hide" to hide.

#Strat 2
If prev strat doesn't hide you, enter bush to hide.

#Strat 3
ur ult "drink and shoot lol" lets you hit more targets. So just hit more targets.

Advanced Strats

#ADV. Strat 1
go to opposite jungle early on flash over wall to blue. Get their blue and a kill! (;

#ADV. Strat 2
Avoid all contact with Taric, i can't stress this enough.

#ADV. Strat 3
if you're running away from skill shots, run in a straight line it gives you the best possible chance of escaping as you can tell by the following math:

Twitch skillshot dodge math:
\pi(x) — the prime counting function, which gives the number of primes less than or equal to a given number. For example, \pi(6) = 3 , as there are 3 prime numbers (2, 3, 5) less than or equal to 6.
{\mu(n)} — the Möbius function, which gives 0, -1, or 1 depending on the prime factorization of n.
{Li(x)} — the logarithmic integral function, which is defined as the integral of 1/(log t) up to x.
{\rho} — any of the nontrivial zeros of the Riemann zeta function.


J(x) = Li(x) +
\sum_{\twitch} Li(x^\rho) -
\log 2 + \run_{x}^\infty \frac{dt}{t(t^2 - 1)*lol\log t}
= about tree fiddy%

#ADV. Strat 4
taunting: maybe the most advanced of the strats when you kill them you just write "xD" in chat to show your superiority.
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+ hide
+ shoots with a toy crossbow
+ can throw like poison or something idk
+ eats ur garbage
+ saves the world by eating ur ****, u filth
+ flyer than a mug


- he dirty
- isn't fat anymore ;/
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If you take a good hard look at the selected masteries you will understand.
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Do i really need to explain this?
Come on man, you know its the bomb.
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My art xD

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Team Fighting

shoot lol
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thx for reading my guide 8)

u readers are what make me lol
hope u enjoyd if u want u can check out my other pro guides on Taric and Towers
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Tmeister
Tmeister Twitch Guide
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Theres a Rumble in the jungle. Psych. It's Twitch

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