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Recommended Items
Runes: Runes
+8 Ability Haste
+6 Armor
+65 Base Health
Ability Order Level Up
Damnation (PASSIVE)
Thresh Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
About Meh
My first guide sorry if it looks weird but this is what i use and i don't see anything bad about it.
I am 21, currently a cook and play league for fun and trying to do as we all do and rank up. I have play a lot of champions in this game and I don't main one of them bu I have tried all of them over the course of 2 almost 3 years and this champ is the one Ive had the most fun with. So Ive decided to make a guideish / build for thresh and ill be adding to it as I get feed back on what does and doesn't work.
I am 21, currently a cook and play league for fun and trying to do as we all do and rank up. I have play a lot of champions in this game and I don't main one of them bu I have tried all of them over the course of 2 almost 3 years and this champ is the one Ive had the most fun with. So Ive decided to make a guideish / build for thresh and ill be adding to it as I get feed back on what does and doesn't work.
I would like to use this to get some feedback for the people who liked/ disliked the build. Tell me if this worked for you and what you were up against I will add to or change if i see that it stops working (ie. thx riot for patch) type situations.
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