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Thresh Build Guide by Fsaathoff

Support Thresh, The Chain Warden Updated for Season 6

Support Thresh, The Chain Warden Updated for Season 6

Updated on February 25, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Fsaathoff Build Guide By Fsaathoff 405,680 Views 8 Comments
405,680 Views 8 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Fsaathoff Thresh Build Guide By Fsaathoff Updated on February 25, 2016
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


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Hey I am Xx420noskowpexX in game or Fsaathoff on mobafire. I am a support main from North American who has been playing League for about a year. You are probably here because you want to learn about Thresh. I am level 5 with thresh with about 30k mastery score. I got thresh about 4 months ago as a gift from a friend and I have been in love ever since. I belive thresh is a very good support because he has a lot of CC and also has a very good disengage ability.
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I take those runes so that I can become very tanky in all stages in the game. I belive that taking Health yellows is better than armor ones because you are able to become more immune to all damages. I also take armor quints so that I can negate a lot of damage from ADC's early game.
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I always take 0/12/18 on all tanky supports as it gives me the most utility on my items whilst also making me very tanky in the resolve tree giving my ADC damage reduction
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Those items are really standard for tanky supports as they provide a lot of tankiness as well as a ton of utility. The reason you want to build thresh as a tank with some CDR is because he needs the extra armor, MR and hp so when he dives with a hook he can survive some damage. You also need CDR so that you can cast your hooks more often which is less punishing if you miss one
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I always start E just in case the enemy tries to invade so I can disengage them and negate a possible lost first blood. I max Q first so that is does more damage and I am able to cast it more frequently. I max W over E because, it gives W a longer range and lower cooldown and E is really used for utility. Use your ultimate after you hook then E so that you can peel more and slow them for a very long time.
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Flash and Exhaust is what I take about 80% of the time unless my ADC is running something other than heal in which I will take heal my self. If I am going against a support with a lot of healing (Sona, Soraka etc..) I will take ignite.
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Pros / Cons

1. He gives your team a lot of kill potential early game with your Q
2. He is really good against mobile targets with his Q,E,R combo
3. Can become really tanky
4. Can peel really good
1.Spell shields can make you useless.
2. Can be shut down by CC
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Fsaathoff
Fsaathoff Thresh Guide
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Thresh, The Chain Warden Updated for Season 6

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