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Pyke Build Guide by Astrivm

Top Pyke Stryke Again

Top Pyke Stryke Again

Updated on August 24, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Astrivm Build Guide By Astrivm 1,081 Views 0 Comments
1,081 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Astrivm Pyke Build Guide By Astrivm Updated on August 24, 2018
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Why tank items?

Because of Pyke's passive. It gives you AD for any bonus Maximum Health. So, you'll be tanky due to your armor and MR, and also get damage due to his passive to kill your opponents. Also, you depend on your abilities for kills, not your auto attacks, so, buying AD items are less reasonable than buying tanky items.

I would show you my KDA if I knew how to add in pictures to this guide, but I swear to god, you're gonna win your lane 90% of the time, even against Quinn, Graves or any other dumbass champions.
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Pick Doran Shield as your starting item because it gives you some AD due to the passive, and also you get some health regen due to the item's passive.
- Boots of Swiftness helps you on chasing your opponents regardless the damage taken, also reduces the slow CC if you are chasing or running away.
- Boots of Mobility are only used if you are roaming more to get kills, but I do not recommended it.
- Randuin's Omen helps you chase or run away from opponent faster.
- Sterak's Gage gives you AD, due to passive, and a decaying shield if you are low in health.
- Sunfire Cape gives you some armor, AD, and helps you clear waves faster to push or whatsoever.
- Thornmail is used if there are more Marksman on the Opponent side, to fight against Draven, Vayne, Jhin, and whosoever.
- Spirit Visage gives MR, AD and increase health regen
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End of the day, I swear to god, you're gonna win most of the time. Unless your teammates are some dumbasses who can't play. Just stack 'em HP, bro, and you good as hell.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Astrivm
Astrivm Pyke Guide
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Top Pyke Stryke Again

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