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Tristana Build Guide by son goku op

AD Carry Tristana Guide (1,5k+ Games experience) Platin

AD Carry Tristana Guide (1,5k+ Games experience) Platin

Updated on May 22, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author son goku op Build Guide By son goku op 1,569 Views 0 Comments
1,569 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author son goku op Tristana Build Guide By son goku op Updated on May 22, 2013
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Early Game

(Tristana got a good early and a way better Lategame)
If you are on the blue Side try to lead your support to the Golems and do them otherwise you help your jungler.
When the laning starts try to harras them with 1 autoattack and a E right after an back off. (110dmg E lvl 1 + autoattack)
If the Enemy Supporter got a heal and your doesnt try not to lose that much hp in these trades
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Since Tristana is pushing automaticlly try to get the enemy tower early ( WARDS )
you get more range the higher your level is. You have Caitlys range with lvl 9-10. With Lifesteal and that range you can easily outharras them. Once you got the Bottower head to the Midtower and Dragon you have way more Pressure since the enemy bottower isnt there anymore.
If it comes to Dragon fights DON'T use your W as Damage spell just stay in Range
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Tristana got one of the best lategames since she got 700+ Range and an incredible Attackspeedbuff (90%). Just try to stay in range. Search for a safe spot in teamfights or kite them.
Dont waste your Q for like 2 autoattacks.
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My Story :)

I played Tristana from the middle of Season 2. I was silver there and i startet getting better and with alot of games with Ashe and Tristana i got platin at the end of Season 2 but i still get better and i am on my way to Diamond right now.
So good luck in soloQ i hope you learned something from that guide :D
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League of Legends Build Guide Author son goku op
son goku op Tristana Guide
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Tristana Guide (1,5k+ Games experience) Platin

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