LoL Best Tristana Middle Build Guides 2025
Build guides for Tristana Middle on MOBAFire. Find recommended items and runes by high ranked players to learn the best Tristana Middle builds. Create your own champion guide!
Season 5 Builds
[5.15] AP Hybrid Tristana mid
New trist still work AP? (wip 1st guide)
Ap mid tristan a
Season 4 Guides
AP Tris is OP Tris: 10 Steps to Manly AP Awesomeness (S4)
(AP) The Dark Side of Tristana ~
Season 4 Builds
Aram Tristana - WHY WOULD YOU GO AP???
AP Tristana is a GOD
Marco - Tristana AP Middle - Take my Rocket!
Rocketjumps hurt pretty bad - AP Tristana Guide
AP Tristi the Assassinator
AP Tristana "I wanna shoot something"
Ability Power Tristana (Yetenek Gücü Tristana)
Tristana - Attack Speed Destroyer
Touch Down Tristana
Tristana - The Walking God of Ignite
Hybrid Rocket - A Guide To Hybrid Tristana
Epic build for Tristana AP Mid, She is really Underrated.
Season 3 Guides