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Tristana Build Guide by JabaWack

AP Carry Marco - Tristana AP Middle - Take my Rocket!

AP Carry Marco - Tristana AP Middle - Take my Rocket!

Updated on June 12, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author JabaWack Build Guide By JabaWack 3,400 Views 0 Comments
3,400 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author JabaWack Tristana Build Guide By JabaWack Updated on June 12, 2014
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  • LoL Champion: Tristana
    Tristana AP Middle - Take my R
  • LoL Champion: Tristana

Hello to all.
I am JabaWack, an Italian player, EUW section.
I'm an average player, and I have always used the IP to buy in game.
All my builds are centered on a generic management of the book of runes. At the moment I am in possession of 3 pages, in which use all my champ.
I am one of the old school, that of saving money!
I hope this guide will be of help, if you want to talk about the build, I'm here at your service.
Note the sequence of purchases:
In all my builds there will always be present household objects DORAN, (doran's sword, ring doran, doran shield) these items are for sale only when the spaces in the inventory will no longer be sufficient, and if you have already aside enough gold to buy the next object.
Good LOL at all.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author JabaWack
JabaWack Tristana Guide
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