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Tryndamere General Guide by the penta killer

ADC tryndamere killing machine

ADC tryndamere killing machine

Updated on February 27, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author the penta killer Build Guide By the penta killer 1,673 Views 0 Comments
1,673 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author the penta killer Tryndamere Build Guide By the penta killer Updated on February 27, 2013
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1. Ninja Tabi
add armor- importent at the beginning of the game...

2. Bloodthirster
life steal gives you the upperhand at 1v1 and even at teamfightes

3. Phantom Dancer
attack speed- more dmg and restore life faster... helps you kill faster and stay in the lane.

more hp and armor

4. Warmog's Armor
lots of hp and health regen.

5. Frozen Mallet
add dmg and lots of hp ( less then Warmongs Armor but still a lot)

6. Randuin's Omen
add hp and armor and his active helps you kill somone without him able to ascape (slow)

more dmg

4. Black Cleaver
beside of his dmg hp and cdr his passive lets you kill somone more easly- it adds +10 armor pen and every time you hit them with physical dmg you reduce thair armor by 6.25% (4 stacks max but it can get up to 25% armor reducing!

5. Last Whisper
adds 35% armor pen.

6. Youmuu's Ghostblade
adds ad, cdr and critical chance (with his passive it is very affactive)
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League of Legends Build Guide Author the penta killer
the penta killer Tryndamere Guide
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