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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Loaded Dice (PASSIVE)
Twisted Fate Passive Ability

Hi I'm WizzardFTW
Welcome,viewer. I'm glad to see you interested in playing marksman
Twisted Fate. And I'll do my best to show you how to carry games with the handsome card master.

Of course he is. But he has 2 abilities relying on auto-attacks.
Why AD over AP ?Because I'm a marksman main. Aside from that,


+ Fun to play
+ High skill ceiling
+ Can hard carry games
+ Has extremely strong roams
+ Has a low CD stun
+ Sustains well in lane
+ Good poke
+ Good objetive control
+ Good waveclear
+ Free gold from Passive
+ High skill ceiling
+ Can hard carry games
+ Has extremely strong roams
+ Has a low CD stun
+ Sustains well in lane
+ Good poke
+ Good objetive control
+ Good waveclear
+ Free gold from Passive
The fun about AD
Twisted Fate, is the goosegumps of stunning an enemy, followed by a
Stacked Deck, a
Blade of the Ruined King and a
Runaan's Hurricane! Now, talking about pros, TF will deal a lot of damage with this build, with constant criticals, and will make sure that you scare the enemies with your epic burst. This build is perhaps the most versatile one. You can take it with all supports.


- Hard to learn
- Harder to master
- If you can't pick the right card you're screwed
- Relies heavily on positioning
- Squishy
- No escapes (with low CD and cast time)
- Relies on good roams
- Poke lanes counter him super hard
- Needs expensive items (like most mid-laners)
- Has a hard time catching up if behind
Twisted Fate, like any other champion, has its Cons.
Twisted Fate Cons are the fact that he is hard to play, needs a lot of farm (specially until you get
Blade of the Ruined King), and is quite owned if he gets stunned or even blinded 1v1 against a burst champ, or even in a teamfight. But the worst of this all, are the people. Ignorant people will just spam in the chat that you're a troll. My advice is to just ignore them!
- Harder to master
- If you can't pick the right card you're screwed
- Relies heavily on positioning
- Squishy
- No escapes (with low CD and cast time)
- Relies on good roams
- Poke lanes counter him super hard
- Needs expensive items (like most mid-laners)
- Has a hard time catching up if behind





The order you use your spells are allways gonna be the same. You start of with

However whether you use your Blue, Red or Yellow card depends on what situation you're in.
Blue card should be used if you have no fear of the enemy retaliating because it gives you back mana for the
Wild Cards you're about to throw.
Red card should be used when you can hit multiple enemies or minions with it and you are NOT low on mana. Allways prioritize your survival and having a healthy mana pool over damage.
Yellow card should be used whenever you get the chance. Dueling, ganking, teamfighting, escaping, you name it. As long as you have a good amount of mana this is the, arguably, best card of the three.

Red card should be used when you can hit multiple enemies or minions with it and you are NOT low on mana. Allways prioritize your survival and having a healthy mana pool over damage.
Yellow card should be used whenever you get the chance. Dueling, ganking, teamfighting, escaping, you name it. As long as you have a good amount of mana this is the, arguably, best card of the three.
So first of all, learn to CS! If you feel like you need to practice it, then I highly recommend going in to a custom game by yourself and practicing the timings of
Twisted Fate's auto attacks and how to use your
Stacked Deck, try to save it for Siege minions. Once you've mastered that try going against a bot and see if you can CS under harass and pressure while poking them down.
Blue cards
Blue cards give back more mana than they use at all levels so if you're not doing anything else, spam Blue cards.
Stack the deck
Allways keep your
Stacked Deck up if you're not using it. You never know when you need some extra damage.
Don't waste opportunities
Try to use
Destiny as often as possible as you're just wasting time, roam oportunities and possible kills for your team by not using it. But make sure that your allies are ready to follow up!
Revealing stealthed champs
Destiny reveals stealthed champions and can be used to hunt down low health targets, that escaped with stealth, after a fight.
Good positioning is something I've mentioned through out the guide but I've never really defined what it is, up untill now. Good positioning is staying out of harms way (often behind you tanks) yet close enough to poke with
Stacked Deck . However you should allways priorotize your survival, in a sense
Twisted Fate is a lot like an ADC in that regard, poke who you can poke and don't get greedy.
So first of all, learn to CS! If you feel like you need to practice it, then I highly recommend going in to a custom game by yourself and practicing the timings of

Blue cards
Blue cards give back more mana than they use at all levels so if you're not doing anything else, spam Blue cards.
Stack the deck
Allways keep your

Don't waste opportunities
Try to use

Revealing stealthed champs

Good positioning is something I've mentioned through out the guide but I've never really defined what it is, up untill now. Good positioning is staying out of harms way (often behind you tanks) yet close enough to poke with

Thanks goes out to you guys who read my guide!
I may have made this for myself as much as for anyone else,
but the fact that someone actually reads it makes it so much better.
P.S. If you learned something or think the guide could
be useful to others, please leave a like and a comment,
it helps me out more than you realise. :)
I may have made this for myself as much as for anyone else,
but the fact that someone actually reads it makes it so much better.
So thank you!
P.S. If you learned something or think the guide could
be useful to others, please leave a like and a comment,
it helps me out more than you realise. :)
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