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If ADC as TF, Janna will be an extremely annoying enemy support as her tornado can be very annoying to deal with.
If ADC as TF, Ashe's CC can easily match your pick a card CC, maybe even better.
Draven is very easy to deal with as your CC can shred him to bits and make him unable to catch his spinning axes if they were thrown
Caitlyn may or may not be a problem depending on your gaming skills or her gaming skills. Just dont trip on her bear traps
Yummi will be no problems at all to deal with as youll only have to then worry about the ADC she is sitting on which can be sorted with a stun card
Swain can be a pain to deal with as his damage deal against you combined with the enemy ADC can easily put you low on health
If facing Yasuo mid try your best to avoid all his tornados launched at you and be very precise and smart when using Twisted Fates (W) as it can be easily discarded by Yasuo's wind shield
If facing him in mid act the same way you would if it was yasuo but when near his statue he will teleport to after a while have a stun card ready to ambush him
Varus wont be to much to deal with just try to avoid his big arrow ability that goes all minions and through you as it can deal quite alot of damage
Twitch will be no problem at all to deal with as he is bad in early game so he can be seriously destroyed by your CC
Morgana's abilities are quite annoying to deal with as she can root you, poke you and provide a spell shield that avoids your stun cards CC
No big deal
Xayah can be pretty easy to beat in lane unless she has rakan as her support then she can be a bit of a pain
Rakan has good shields to provide that will only make your damage tickle the enemy
Very very easy to deal with as long as you stay in a group of minions
Blitz is tank, tank = good, his rocket grab is very useful as he can drag opponents towards you and shred them with CC
Braum is tank, tank = good, Braum is very good a sustaining damage for you while you get into fights with the enemy ADC and support
Thresh is slight tank, tank = good, basically do the same thing as you would with blitzcrank except you need to use your legs more once thresh hits the hook
Zac is tank, tank = good, can drag opponents towards him so you can unleash on the enemy. But high chance Zac wont be picked as a support.
Lux is not a tank but she has great cc and poke abilities that will allow you to slowly beat down the enemies
Alistar is a tank, Tank = good, Alistar maybe be the best support character to be partnered with as he builds incredible armor, can launch enemies in the air, stun enemies, and headbutt them towards you or under the tower. All you have to do his stay near him most of the time and as soon as he goes in for the attack run towards the enemy champions AFAP (As Fast As Possible) and target the ADC as they will have both their shoes tied in a knot thanks to Alistar.
Same as lux, has good CC but is easily damaged and will have a hard time staying alive if a fight occurs
Sett is tank, tank = good, Sett can withstand massive amounts of damage and has karma for the enemy embedded within him as he just has to hit his W and deal large amounts of damage to the enemy with also having survived thanks to the extra armor given to him
Yummi is a bad choice to have as supp as for most of the time she will cling onto you and wont be much help if you get caught in a rut. (Another words if you get seriously CC'd)
Taric is Tank, Tank = good, Just treat Taric as your knight in shining armor
Soraka's healing is extremely useful for you but she's not the best to partner with as she doesnt have much health
Blitz is tank, tank = good, his rocket grab is very useful as he can drag opponents towards you and shred them with CC
Braum is tank, tank = good, Braum is very good a sustaining damage for you while you get into fights with the enemy ADC and support
Thresh is slight tank, tank = good, basically do the same thing as you would with blitzcrank except you need to use your legs more once thresh hits the hook
Zac is tank, tank = good, can drag opponents towards him so you can unleash on the enemy. But high chance Zac wont be picked as a support.
Lux is not a tank but she has great cc and poke abilities that will allow you to slowly beat down the enemies
Alistar is a tank, Tank = good, Alistar maybe be the best support character to be partnered with as he builds incredible armor, can launch enemies in the air, stun enemies, and headbutt them towards you or under the tower. All you have to do his stay near him most of the time and as soon as he goes in for the attack run towards the enemy champions AFAP (As Fast As Possible) and target the ADC as they will have both their shoes tied in a knot thanks to Alistar.
Same as lux, has good CC but is easily damaged and will have a hard time staying alive if a fight occurs
Sett is tank, tank = good, Sett can withstand massive amounts of damage and has karma for the enemy embedded within him as he just has to hit his W and deal large amounts of damage to the enemy with also having survived thanks to the extra armor given to him
Yummi is a bad choice to have as supp as for most of the time she will cling onto you and wont be much help if you get caught in a rut. (Another words if you get seriously CC'd)
Taric is Tank, Tank = good, Just treat Taric as your knight in shining armor
Soraka's healing is extremely useful for you but she's not the best to partner with as she doesnt have much health
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