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Recommended Items
Runes: Standard
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order Standard Maxing
Deadly Venom (PASSIVE)
Twitch Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Twitch is very vulnerable to engage supports since he has no way to peel for himself besides W, which doesnt help a lot early game.
... at the same time, engage supports are AP Twitch's best friend, since it makes them have to stand on top of your W and gives you time to stack up your passive.
... at the same time, engage supports are AP Twitch's best friend, since it makes them have to stand on top of your W and gives you time to stack up your passive.
Champion Build Guide
Now, moving on as to when to pick him: Twitch is a really vulnerable laner but he can manage himself by playing safe and getting kills early game. So don't worry too much about all that, you can safely onetrick him even if you will have some bad games. Just blindpick him any time you feel like playing him.
Remember you have relentless hunter so you can roam mid to get kills on overextended enemy midlaners. You can also sneak on your own enemy laner by pretending to back and Qing to surprise them. You do a lot of damage so don't underestimate yourself.
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