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Twitch Build Guide by Crinkle

AD Carry Twitch Jungle FF S4

AD Carry Twitch Jungle FF S4

Updated on April 20, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Crinkle Build Guide By Crinkle 52,443 Views 0 Comments
52,443 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Crinkle Twitch Build Guide By Crinkle Updated on April 20, 2014
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Jungle Start + First Gank

- Start RED (regardless of blue or purple)
- Ambush into midlane from side bush (Should be Lv 2 vs Lv 1)
- Can get quick kill or deal half
- From gank get few xp from minions and take blue buff
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Early Game

- With FF (Feral Flare) goal is to farm very fast
- Get Madreds ASAP (FF stacks on Madreds)
- Farm jungle and only go to help lanes if it is a CERTAIN kill
- If they escape lane tax and go back to farming
- Jungle fast for first 10 minutes
- Take second blue (Faster clear time)
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Mid Game

- Once you have FF you can gank continuously and stack fast
- Should be close to Statik or BOTRK
- Do not underestimate your damage (You can kill all enemies very quick with red)
- Role in teamfight is to deal as much damage as you can before you die
- Try to line all enemies up
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End Game

- In the end game and once full build you should be able to kill APC and ADC very fast
- Instead of melting tanks melt their APC and ADC (should be able to kill one within 2-3 seconds after attacking)
- If you can kill at least one and deal plenty of damage to the other team should clean up

Note: If APC or ADC are weak, target the enemy with the most damage (Riven, FF jungler etc)
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Crinkle
Crinkle Twitch Guide
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Twitch Jungle FF S4

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