She can be 10x more useful in roams and has CC, you also cant really kill her in lane post 6 unless she really really sucks and has no R or F
ADC mid with hookshot dash = haha funny time. You can oneshot him anywhere but in lane bc its too hard to stop his hookshot correctly
Can't really kill her unless she sucks bc you lack dmg to kill her twice through the passive. She can't really do anything but harass you though so its okay
I've yet to play against an intelligent annie, but when I do this might be slightly difficult. Solved game after 6 just wait for her to waste stun or bait it
Aurelion Sol
Honestly no clue havent played against him in years LOL, he might win from the element of surprise
The most annoying harass champ in the game that also has disengage dashes and a push on his R. Hard lane, easy otherwise
No one plays him mid anymore but if they do they're inting, little harder after 6 though to all in
Annoying harass but easy to kill as long as you don't suck. She can be more useful in teamfights though
I hate this little cretin with his toboggan and his funny missiles he can go eat a dick
Diana players are dumb, and the champ sucks mid, you have dashes to nullify her R completely, just dont suck
Can kill him pre 6 if he is dumb, after 6 its harder, but you can just win the teamfights bc you are more useful
Fishy fishy for my dishy dishy can go suck a dick with his invul ability. If they are above average you cant really kill but otherwise its fine
Personally I like to watch TV static while playing this matchup so that I can lose additional sanity on top of the sanity im already losing from his mental assault. Just play for out roaming you cant kill him
Good luck farming ! You can kill at powerspike 6 though if you farm well enough
You know how your autos already do no dmg to minions? Well his turrets take 3 autos !!!!!! This is cbt but you wont die if you dont overextend
Nobody plays him mid anymore but when they did it was easy, but he would still be useful with todays builds
Surprisingly, I haven't played against a kaisa mid yet, but I'd imagine it sucks as her Q is direct counter to invis, probably easy lane and roams though
Dude is kinda annoying early, and if you can edge out a kill pre 6 you're set, but if not it kinda gets cringe and hard to kill him unless he messes up. You do outscale the burst if you are skilled enough though
Hahahahaha kat players are so fucking dumb, this is maybe??? a hard matchup if she has a brain but I've yet to see a good kat player. Just dash out of her R if she engages and kill
Permaban if you are not willing to endure the 9 circles of hell. Her chains give vision of you in shroud so its not plausible to win if she has a brain. Might be worst matchup all time
This is just a lame champ. She can just stop you from doing things, but not much else. Malzahar type beat
No one plays him mid anymore but its kinda hard cuz he is an ADC with poke
lux players are funny creatures
Just play the game like a smart person and AP malph is easy. Also need some reflexes though
I think malzahar players have something going on in their head to make them deranged enough to enjoy making themselves AND another player not play the game when they press R. Can't really kill cuz of lane pressure but its still possible, lame in teamfights though
Havent seen one in ages, but just space her root with your E, R over her R and you're golden
Annoying osu poke game, but easy to kill otherwise, just dont try to towerdive her with her R up
Hahahaha this would be a permaban but thankfully no one plays him mid anymore. Its turbo cancer bc he can block Q and E, and just outdamages you. plus he has a stun AND can out roam you !!! so fun !!!
People say this is hard but it really isn't, just use your 200yrs champ to outplay her ult, its really very simple to out burst her too with shroud
Skill matchup pre 6 which is very fun, post 6 you win as long as you are dealing enough dmg to mitigate her tankyness and healing
Just wait for the flamethrower to be down and go in, honestly dont remember more than that since no one plays him
easy if you can catch up to his phase rush lookin ass, try to E onto him if you see him ulting
Ohohoho this guy is not fair in the slightest. For this to be remotely playable you have to be really good at spacing tipper Qs on him to slow him. Good luck !
Havent played into new swain but it used to be easy pre 6 and kinda hard after cuz hes so tanky so idk its probably the same since he can just infinitely sit on your shroud now
Skill matchup, very fun. Most sylas players dont know that they should use your R as an execute though so its not that hard
Syndra players must have a chip in their brain that forces them to spam Q and auto harass every 2s bc I swear they are more annoying than any other players. Just live long and prosper at 6
Can actually be kinda hard if they're good, but just play smart and dont get caught in river. At 6 its pretty even but dont engage first cuz he'll just ult and run over a wall
Twisted Fate
He shouldnt be able to use his W without you insta harrassing him if he doesnt pick a gold card. If he roams a ton, just try to follow instantly despite the lane state so that you can E him and follow his ult
i love donald duck
so easy so fun, just kill him on CD
kinda annoying but you win at 6, just wait for her to waste her fear
Incredibly annoying harass, and hard to kill him bc of it. Also more useful than you in teamfights. Man fuck this champ
Kinda hard to kill in lane, but you win midgame and teamfights so its okay
i love when he gives me blue balls, idk just sidestep and kill him
wish this was more fun, but if you just hold shroud until he tries to knock you up, he cant take his R so you win. You can also out burst him as long as he isnt turbo fed. Feels good to beat a 1mil point yas though
So easy, just E space his E and you win. But dont feed him or let him get fed cuz then he will run a train on your team
really fun matchup, unfortunately I perma ban bc most teams cant deal with him if he goes for them. just play it with skill
annoying little creature, good luck keeping your tower intact. win at 6 sorta
easy, just space or dodge her sleep with E and win
kinda hard to get to her but if you do just make sure to dodge her R, easy otherwise, fuck her plants though
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