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Recommended Items
Runes: My Fav best Runes for Vayne
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Standard Runes
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Night Hunter (PASSIVE)
Vayne Passive Ability
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Champion Build Guide
Hey my Name is Vaysu, maybe you heared that Name maybe not im a Vayne OTP whos playing in Master/GM Elo that playing since beginning of Season 4. I started in Bronze 5 and during Years I figured out playing Vayne and because of her Playstyle I enjoyed Gaming kekw.Im doing Youtube Content about Vayne and streaming on Twitch if you want you can check it out would appreciate it! Also if your Euw fell free to add me ''Sanada Vaysu'' if you have any Questions Will give my best to answer and help
xVaysux Twitch
xVaysux Twitch
Stats of me
Rank 1 Vayne Montage
Laning Phase
Your Goal is to last hitting Minions its really important to understand that you need to decide if you play passive lane because its an Draven Leona Matchup and just try last hitting cs at Turret, or you play aggresiv and get ahead early to snowball the lane and carry the Game its all situational and depending about Matchups.
1.Farm as much as possible if you wont be able to, try not to die Vayne is a really good comeback Champion shes strong even with 1 or 2 Items.
2.If your ahead and winning your Lane try pushing the Tower, when Wave is pushing you should rush Drake aswell, get all Plates destroy Turret then Roam to Top/Mid after Turret is done.
3.If your behind and you cant cs roaming could help you aswell getting shutdowns so you can get your Items faster but important is your decision making if you roam and you wont get anything by that your just getting more behind keep that in mind!
Usually People goes PTA on Vayne vs Draven but thats a big mistake because we all know Draven Q deals more Dmg than a Vayne AA+Q but, if you take HOB instand of PTA your output DMG is faster and higher means when you AA+AA+Q you will deal more dmg than a Draven Q but keep it mind its only 1 Trade you need to go back after attacking because its on cooldown your HOB. HOB gives you the chance to poke really really good and bring out your max Dmg with AA+AA+Q+E.It legit works vs everything and once you got Kraken/Shieldbow your dealing at least 45 % Dmg Hp with 3 AA.
Level 6 Ult
With your Ult you can win vs the most ADC'S because you have alot mobility and your Invis so with correct Timing you can cancel Enemys Autoattacks. It gives you the opportunity to outplay an 1vs2 Dive because you can buy some time with your invins.
If you have an CC Support than you should be able to kill them if not try forcing there Summs.
Important as Vayne is to understand the correct timing when to engage because if the Enemys have an Nautilus and you tumble in at the beginning of the Fight he will just Ult you and you will mostly die in the Situation, also if you wait 5 Years until they use CC could be the Problem that your Team died already and you wont be able to kill all 5 Alone.Your Job is to destroy Enemy Carrys as much as you can if you wont be able to do that, try finish the closest Target that is near you. With your Silver Bolts you will destroy Enemy Tanks so dont worry about them, just make sure not to die vs them. Your Mechanics and positioning + Timing gonna be important there.
My Fav Strat as Vayne is to Split, because Vayne is a really good Outplay Champ if she got 2 Items or more you will be able to 1vs2 or better, Shieldbow and Exhaust gives you the Chance to kill an Enemy who is +10 Kills if you dodge CC or high burst like Zed Q Irelia E. When your fed you should Split because nobody will win 1vs1 vs you they will at least need 2 or 3 Members, means even if you die you Team can push and get an Turret or take Drake/Baron.
Youtube Vayne Guide
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