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Hecarim Build Guide by HandlessHecarim



Updated on December 18, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author HandlessHecarim Build Guide By HandlessHecarim 5,359 Views 0 Comments
5,359 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author HandlessHecarim Hecarim Build Guide By HandlessHecarim Updated on December 18, 2024
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Runes: Phase Rush (Most games)

1 2
Phase Rush
Nimbus Cloak

Legend: Haste

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


Every single game
LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide


By HandlessHecarim
About me
My name is Handless Hecarim, I peaked plat 4 97lp this split after being hardstuck iron 4 for years. Hecarim is the champion I used to climb and I played him OTP. I belive I have a great understanding of the champion as I have mained him since 2020 and understand his strengths and weaknesses very well.
Hecarims Identity
Off the bat it is important to address that Hecarim thrives in a full clear playstyle which is why I reccomend two points in Q, and leveling E once you are level 4. On this champion you almost always want to stick to your full clear and prioritize finishing all your camps and then looking to make plays. Hecarim is a very bad duelist and is prone to being invaded so catching your camps off respawn will help protect you and will provide you with a consistent gold and xp foundation.

Hecarim has a fast and healthy clear which is pretty easy to learn so the best tip I can give any new hecarim player on how to climb with him is to learn how to clear properly, and then to full clear prior to making plays on the map.

Hecarim is an AD bruiser which means that he has a lot of great build variety right now with many good options for him. Part of what makes hecarim so great is he can go bruiser core into lethality when really ahead or tank when even or behind allowing him to offer value at any stage of the game regardless of the situation. When ahead Hecarim is able to solo carry and 1v9 games, when behind he can be played as a supportive champion and can provide tons of peel and cc for his team.

As mentioned prior Hecarim is a pretty bad duelist, unless you have 3 stacks of rampage and pop ghost you likely wont win an even 1v1. For that reason I find it best to only gank lanes when they are able to help in some sort of way. If your laner is one tap, it can be very risky to go for a gank unless you think its free.
If you want to improve on Hecarim the most important thing you MUST know how to do is dragging camps.

For those who do not know Hecarims Q stacks up to three times when he hits any target with it, lowering its CD when stacked and giving him bonus AD. This means that Hecarim is WAY stronger with 3 Q stacks then he is with just one. By kiting your camps properly and dragging them with you while spamming Q on them before ganks you are able to enter an engage with your damage already there, versus going in without it full stacked and having to get those stacks up during the engage.

This is the most important thing to optimize your ganks and up your DPS and thats why Hecarim love to be at his camps when hes not ganking. Any time you are standing still doing nothing on Hecarim you are dropping your stacks and effectively lowering your own damage.

The best playstyle on Hecarim in my opinion is
Full clear -> 1 action (Either gank, invade, or take an objective) -> reset.
This playstyle is extremely consistent and very strong in low elo as it pushes you to farm effectively and will train you to keep your farm up while also making sure you have 3 q stacks the majority of the game.

In higher elo hecarim becomes much harder because the best way to punish him is with good jungle tracking and invading so for higher elo you may need to adjust your playstyle more around the way your enemy is playing. It is very important to consider what type of character they are playing. Characters that love to invade like kindred, graves, viego, and shaco, are all pretty annoying however there are ways to manage them 100%.

When played properly Hecarim can become one of the BEST solo queue junglers because of how flexible he is and with how much value he is able to provide regardless of gamestate.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author HandlessHecarim
HandlessHecarim Hecarim Guide
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