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Xerath Build Guide by NightShadow101

AP Carry UPDATED - Xerath build

AP Carry UPDATED - Xerath build

Updated on January 9, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author NightShadow101 Build Guide By NightShadow101 3,072 Views 1 Comments
3,072 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author NightShadow101 Xerath Build Guide By NightShadow101 Updated on January 9, 2015
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Hello guys, I am a very new Mobafire guider. But I've always enjoyed helping people and well, I've recently started to get into Xerath and noticed how strong she really is when played and built correctly so I'm just here to give everyone a guild on how to use Xerath. Although this is my first Mobafire guide so it wont look that professional.

I am always willing to take in any tips you guys may have/ anything you want me to try.
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Really high range with Rite of the Arcane
Very strong mana sustain because of Mana Surge
High burst damage
Pretty low cooldowns
Great harras
Crazy strong late game
Strong wave clear using his Q W combo

Great CC and a very good way to catch people out with Shocking Orb and Eye of Destruction

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Cons :

Skillshot only champ
Can be quit easy to dodge his skillshots.
Barely any escapes so very vulnerable to ganks early.
Needs a fairly good team to back him up.
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How to lane with Xerath.

Laneing phase would have to be the hardest time for Xerath as if camped can get shut down really easily. Remember to keep your bush's warded.

Poke with your Q whenever safe. Don't forget to utilize her passive (Auto attack for % of mana)

Remember at 6 you can roam really easily and get kills / assists using your ult.
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Comboing with Xerath is very important. You need to know your combo and when to use your ult.

Poking untill they're low really helps.

The correct combo for Xerath would be - E W Q. (Don't forget to AA for the mana if safe to do so)
Use your ult when they're low and running away. Be sure not to just throw your ult around willy nilly.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author NightShadow101
NightShadow101 Xerath Guide
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UPDATED - Xerath build

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