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Urgot Build Guide by Pawn Sacrifice

Top Urgot Guide. "i am... an idea!"

Top Urgot Guide. "i am... an idea!"

Updated on October 26, 2022
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Pawn Sacrifice Build Guide By Pawn Sacrifice 9,514 Views 2 Comments
9,514 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Pawn Sacrifice Urgot Build Guide By Pawn Sacrifice Updated on October 26, 2022
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Runes: PTA - Standard

1 2 3
Press the Attack
Legend: Tenacity
Last Stand

Second Wind

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2 3
Kill Pressure - My main nowadays in soloqueue
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite



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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Urgot Guide. "i am... an idea!"

By Pawn Sacrifice
Who am i!?
The best Urgot player in the world.

And i am saying this really confident. Because any other Urgo guide explains how his passive works and the issue is that his passive is what makes him so special!
It's what makes possible to comeback to a game when behind... If you know the right time to engage using your passive, it's the bread and butter, not your W or ur R.

I am a brazilian player and since last season, my main champion is Urgot. I was platinum and fall to gold. I really had a good time since i start to main this champion and it's real funny to play him.
Hope you guys like this guide, i want to update it whenever i can.

I will add a detailed section about Urgot powerspikes - considering his passive -. Hope you like it.

You should try the matchup section, it's really good.

Well, let me know what you think about the guide, what you guys want to know about the champion, what you want to see in this guide... like, more videos, more details about specific matchups... see ya.

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If you guys like this guide, i will update it whenever i can. I will talk more about itens and matchups and what else you want to talk about Urgot. His combo is really straightfoward, although, it's not easy to land.

Try to land your Q and E... a good Urgot lands many E's in his enemies, then he will land his ultimate, hit his Q and turn on the W (almost everything at the same time)...

It's not soooo easy, but really don't complicated as many people think. It's funny to play him, hit snipers ultimate is magnificent.
Understanding the Butcher!
Urgot's powerspike it's linked into his passive, Echoing Flames! If you don't understand his passive, you don't understand the champion, and actually, you shouldn't play him, because his passive is his core.

I don't intend to deeply discuss his passive right now, although, we must understand the powerspikes:

* At level 01: we have 30 seconds of cooldown and 40,55% of total ad + 2% of target max health, cap 60dmg against monsters
* At lvl 02: 30 sec - 40,25% of total ad + 2% of tmh - 78dmg cap against nm
* At lvl 03: 30 sec - 40% of total ad + 2% of tmh - 95 cap against monsters
* At lvl 04: 30 sec - 39,75% of total ad + 2% of tmh - 113 cap
* At lvl 05: 30 sec - 39,53% of total ad + 2% of tmh - 131 cap
* At lvl 06: FIRST POWER SPIKE: 20 sec of cooldown - 52,22% of total ad + 3% of tmh - 148 cap
* lvl 07: 20 sec - 51,61% - 3% and 166 cap
* lvl 08: 20 sec - 51,54% - 3% and 184 cap
* lvl 09: SECOND POWER SPIKE: 10 sec - 63,36% + 4% - 201 cap
* lvl 10: 10 sec - 63,80% + 4% + 219 cap
* lvl 11: THIRD POWER SPIKE: 5 sec - 76,15% + 5% - 236 cap
* lvl 12: 5 sec - 76,15% - 5% - 254 cap
* lvl 13: FOURTH POWER SPIKE: 2.5 sec - 87,30% + 6% - 272 cap
* lvl 14: 2.5 sec + 88,52% - 6% + 289 cap
* lvl 15: FIFTH POWER SPIKE: 100% of total AD and the next lvls only the monster cap will change...

So, actually, you should try to hard engage, at lvl 06 - 09 - 11 - 13 and 15...
lvl 13 Urgot is a beast. If you have any questions, pls, let me know...
Urgot Pentakills.
If you like to see Urgo's Pentakill, i have some of it (there's two more, i have to find here...)
Urgot Sniper Ultimate!
It's real funny to hit some ultimates:
Last 10 games Statistics - Only Ranked
E+Flash through walls
The E+F Urgot combo's is widely known and used in SR matches. But i invite you to try it through the wall (if you didn't try yet). It's really usefull and unexpected, so the chances to get that enemy carry free hitting behind the wall is huge. I'll upload some plays with that combo!
I try to always save my replays at "leagueofgraphs" so, if you want to watch some matchups, strategies and plays, just check the link bellow:

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