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Vi Build Guide by Marijn Troll 30

AD Offtank Vi Carry as a Jungler S4 Build (Only for Protatoes)

AD Offtank Vi Carry as a Jungler S4 Build (Only for Protatoes)

Updated on December 6, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Marijn Troll 30 Build Guide By Marijn Troll 30 4,075 Views 0 Comments
4,075 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Marijn Troll 30 Vi Build Guide By Marijn Troll 30 Updated on December 6, 2013
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Hello everyone, my name is Marijn, currently playing at Gold IV Elo. Recently I've been busy with playing ADC but after some time I got bored a bit so I decided to tell you something about my favorite champion Vi. I hope you find my guide helpfull and if you have any tips/pros/cons about my guide please let me know in the discussion page.
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Starting the game

What I usually do, and strongly reccomend you to do is to start at the enemy Elder Lizard, get a SMITELESS pull, and leave one smaller lizard alive, in addition you can also ward your own Ancient Golem, if you fear the enemy will steal your blue while you are at their red. After starting at the enemy Red Buff aka. Elder Lizard, you should pick up the Red Buff and leave one lizard minion alive. This way you will deny your enemy jungler one whole level and make him get a delay in picking up his buffs, which gives you an advantage over them. Then clear your own Ancient Golem for your Blue Buff. This is a great and easy way to get an early-game advantage. After picking up Blue Buff you skip your Wolves and move towards Wraiths, after killing Wraiths your smite should have no cooldown on it and you can start clearing your Red Buff. After you've done this you have quite a level advantage and you should be able to gank.
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Team Fights

There are a few things you should pay attention to when you are playing Vi in a teamfight.
You should always be aware your ultimate is a great way to engage a teamfight, but at the same time is a great way to turn the teamfight around. With your ultimate you can also lock the enemy down and make it easier for a teammate, for example Blitzcrank to hit their skillshots. In a teamfight Vi should always try to focus the enemy ADC, since you have amazing damage and plenty of armor. Which should make you kill the enemy Marksman easily. Your ult is also a great way to ignore CC, since your ult lasts for a pretty long time you could use it to cleanse CC ability's
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Pros about Vi

What I personally believe is what makes Vi great are the following things:
  • High damage output while being equally Tanky
  • Not really hard to play
  • Vi has no weak phases in the game (early,mid and late are all great)
  • Straight forward teamfight playstyle
  • Nice gap closers and CC to make a gank succesfull
  • Her Attitude is awesome! (Lets f*ck sh!t up! :D)
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Marijn Troll 30
Marijn Troll 30 Vi Guide
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Vi Carry as a Jungler S4 Build (Only for Protatoes)

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