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Viktor Build Guide by Badplank

Middle Viktor Mid for Simpletons like me

Middle Viktor Mid for Simpletons like me

Updated on December 26, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Badplank Build Guide By Badplank 2,928 Views 0 Comments
2,928 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Badplank Viktor Build Guide By Badplank Updated on December 26, 2024
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Runes: Main

1 2 3
Summon Aery
Manaflow Band
Gathering Storm

Shield Bash
Bone Plating

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Viktor Mid for Simpletons like me

By Badplank
Quick tips
This is a quick guide, i'm not really anyone analytic. I wanted to share my tips and thoughts after playing daily multiple games with him on emerald ranked since he released on PBE (if it's a problem to you then i peaked diamond with <50 games and didn't really have a problem with having 55%> winrate on there but stopped playing) because no one smarter really will after his rework. Might add more stuff later

Viktor is a mid-late game champion that gains his explosive power as the game goes on.

-Burst/Oneshot machine
-Huge AoE Damage with R making enemy team regret going in at once
-Speedy and shieldy with Q evolved, and slows enemy team with W evolved
-Shifts focus from adc as damage is absurd in some cases
-Forces enemy team to spread out a little bit

-Easily can become weak and useless for the team
-Strong only after evolving abilities and buying items
-Can get easily picked off by enemy assassins for example
-No dashes!

Play safe, farming is as important as for nasus, you need gold and hexfragments to start doing something. Its very good to secure some kills, but if you die too much and/or lose waves then you'll simply be an annoyance to your team that does 0 damage, and getting back is hard. If you do everything properly then you're a force to be reckoned with. Try to help your jungler when you can since a kill is +20 hexfragments +gold, and you need your E to get evolved fairly quickly as it makes your life easier. Roaming is not advised, but if they're low and under turret then you can consider going if your lane is pushed.

If you want to be an anime protagonist then play Hasagi Brothers. Viktor is a baby that has to hide behind his teammates. Try to go with your team as you're the damage of the team that will destroy the enemy mage or adc. E->Q->auto->W and run. Try to use R when enemy team is low and clumped together. Also use W when enemies are clumped OR an assasin jumped into you, as you being alive is more important than stunning 3 champions of the enemy team. Your evolved R is what makes new viktor even more terrifying than old viktor. Its a big AOE zone that just expands and kills any squishy champ that's in it. Try not to target tanks as you don't do much to them in mid game. Farming before rabadon is still very important so try to split, but remember that you're a baby and you need to follow your team, you should avoid any solo fighting as your cooldowns dont allow you to fight alone that well. But you also can't hide from killing, the more people you kill the stronger you become.

If you're fed and you have a bounty then the most important thing for you to understand is that you're still a baby that should hide behind your teammates. I know the "machine herald" or "herald of the arcane" sounds tough, like you can just walk and kill everything, but in reality if they kill you then you could throw the game. You explode anything you touch but that doesnt mean the enemy mid cant kill you equally as fast. Viktor's R is the main thing that makes him crazy, if you pop it well then they just have to run from your team or they'll get bombed by your damage. Not to mention your shadowflame+rabadon make you explode any <40% hp enemies, and your W if placed into many enemies provides massive utility. If you get this far and your CS and kills are on point then your support should treat you as a VIP. Your damage is even more crazy than the ADC'S, you can pop enemy ADC with EQ alone, and your R just melts teamfights. They will try to send some assassin's or a mage to focus you first so be careful, try to wait a little after a teamfight starts because everyone will be focused on your position. If you get close then dashes/stuns will get thrown at you, so most of the time if you stay away they will just take damage from your team and not use their skills to keep them in reserve for you.

Evolution path
Almost always you want to go
E's evolution is simply too good to skip. You might want to pick Q into burst champions, or into confrontations in which movement speed might save your life. I personally always take E as farming is significantly easier and the damage boost is more handy in teamfights than the shield and movement speed.

You can't get behind in CS, if you do then life is harder, your kit allows very easy creep farm, and luden makes it easier even more. Try to play safe and E the casters, instead of doing an E through the whole wave, as it can lower their health to ~1% after which your creep will kill them not to mention pushing the wave and getting it stuck under enemy turret which most of the time leads to your death. Every gold matters as mage items are expensive, and the more you have them the more they have to be afraid of you. And trust me having a cs lead + lots of kills on viktor is the best reward ever as you just delete everything that moves like a true Arcane God
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Badplank
Badplank Viktor Guide
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