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Vladimir Build Guide by ThePoroVVarrior

AP Offtank Vlad top S6

AP Offtank Vlad top S6

Updated on January 4, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ThePoroVVarrior Build Guide By ThePoroVVarrior 8,007 Views 0 Comments
8,007 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author ThePoroVVarrior Vladimir Build Guide By ThePoroVVarrior Updated on January 4, 2016
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Vlad is a high sustain champion that has a very good mid to late game with plenty of Aoe damage and plenty of invulnerable time with pool and zhonyas. His lane phase is weak up to level 7 and hextech revolver then he can push the wave and pressure the turret but make sure you don't overextend by warding and watching the map also knowing if your lane opponent can kill you or not, but if your lane opponent is melee with low mobility then you can harass them under their tower just be careful of the deathfire touch because the DOT will make the tower target you. Vlad is a good all round champion because he is good at dueling, good at pushing towers down with his wave clear, and has a great team with his massive aoe damage but it does take time to do damage so you need to live through the fight. Vlad has no hard cc tho which is a big downside since top lane usually brings the cc but if you jungler has that covered then you're good to go on vlad top.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ThePoroVVarrior
ThePoroVVarrior Vladimir Guide
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