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Of course i did not try that on ranked games. If you want to try it and leave your comment :)

P.S. I'am sorry because i did not finish my guide :(
Starting red buff will give you biggest advantage at start.
I changed strategy so in new jungle after red go to golems. After that you wont be able to continue so you going back, and buy 2 health potions and Upgrade the jungle item. After you give blue buff to the mid laner you can gank mid or bot. But remember your 1st gank must be above level 3 becouse other way you wont have any CC.
I changed strategy so in new jungle after red go to golems. After that you wont be able to continue so you going back, and buy 2 health potions and Upgrade the jungle item. After you give blue buff to the mid laner you can gank mid or bot. But remember your 1st gank must be above level 3 becouse other way you wont have any CC.
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