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Vladimir Build Guide by Babylonius

AD Carry Vladimir: The Walking Blood Bank

AD Carry Vladimir: The Walking Blood Bank

Updated on December 9, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Babylonius Build Guide By Babylonius 1 5 7,832 Views 2 Comments
1 5 7,832 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Babylonius Vladimir Build Guide By Babylonius Updated on December 9, 2013
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So this is the first champion Build i ever made and i gotta say, it takes a lot of time making one, i started off making one for Vladimir because well... why not, now on to the important stuff (if i used to much red in this im sorry... i wanted to highlight the important stuff ect)
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Pros / Cons

the Pro and Cons of Vladimir so, here they are

-Vladimir can survive and heal mainly with Transfusion making him a Pseudo Tank
-Vladimir can be an excelent Supporter with Hemoplague due to the increased damage dealth effect and if your enemy escaped with low health, you can usualy finish him with its effect
-Vladimir can easily farm minions with Tides of Blood because it hits everything around him and having it grow in power the more he uses it in a short span of time
-Transfusion deals damage instantly without firing a projectile or missle this allows easy last hits
-Sanguine Pool is a great way to cover the enemy towers range without taking damage and it pops missles, its also useful for a quick escape
-Vladimir is a Manaless Mage making him a powerful force
-Vladimirs Passive will grant more Health the higher your Ability Power gets, and more Ability Power the higher your Health gets (it does not stack with itself)

-Almost every ability Vladimir has will cost some of his own Health
-Sanguine Pool cost 20% of your current Health making it a risky move to use at the beginning of a fight
-Vladimir can be an easy target for enemies because of his low base Armor/Magic Resistance early on
-Takes a while before he can effectively farm and deal damage
-can get taken down easily if Life Steal and Spell Vamp effects are blocked
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Runes, they can either be game changing, or completely useless, but that all depends on how many you have for the same attribute, for Vladimir, Attack Speed and Cooldown Reduction are the most important ones for this build, because you will heavily rely on your base attack to keep your enemies of you while Transfusion is your main damage dealer (thats why Cooldown Reduction is in there)
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Masteries, your friend, your buddy, and one of your most important factors for this build, MAINLY the Offence Mastery Tree you will have to up your Attack Speed with Fury and have your Cooldown Reduced with Sorcery once you spend all 28 necessary mastery points you can spend the last 2 on Fleet of Foot from the Utility Mastery Tree or spend em in even more offencive masteries
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Items, this game changers, the can make or break you and your team for Vladimir its important to have Ability Power and Attack Speed and make sure to have Cooldown Reduction as well because if the Cooldown for Transfusion is too high, you wont last long make sure to get Trinity Force first because it will save your life sooner than later, and get Statikk Shiv right after to make farming easier and to hit enemy champions through their own minions, the Hextech Gunblade will save your life and increase Transfusions health steal with its Spellvamp
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Team Work

Vladimir can be a good Supporter especialy when he is in a lane with a champion that has a High Damage Ultimate because of Hemoplague's increased damage dealt effect take Garen's ultimate for example is one big OP bolt of lightning that kills nearly everytime it hits, but what if it hits something that would survive uppon being hit by it? then Hemoplague could fix that because of the 12% Extra Damage dealt it could kill the target, and if it still lives after it, Hemoplague can finish it off, if you want to support with Vladimir, then it all comes down to Hemoplague
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Vladimir is good at farming and even better killing minions with Tides of Blood Vladimir can easily farm Low Health minions around him, and Transfusion is good against High Health jungle monsters with its High Damage Output and Spell Vamp effect once you're strong enough you can go to the frontlines of the battle, either with The Blessing of the Lizard Elder, or without it
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Babylonius
Babylonius Vladimir Guide
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Vladimir: The Walking Blood Bank

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