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+10% Attack Speed
+6 Armor
+65 Base Health
Ability Order
Goes Where He Pleases (PASSIVE)
Dr. Mundo Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
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Champion Build Guide
Guide to Dr Mundo's Attacks
Q - Infected Cleaver
Dr. Mundo's Q does a lot of damage to champions with a small cooldown and is good for laning phase pokes and is also good for taking down minions that are one hit away as if you kill the minion or champion with the Infected Cleaver it will refund all health used whilst throwing the cleaver.
W - Burning Agony
Dr. Mundo's W is a hard one to talk about as it is good in team fights dealing a splash magic damage effect although in early game it does drain your health quite a lot as it spends 30hp every second.
E - Masochism
Dr. Mundo's E is great, when attack an enemy I would suggest doing an auto-attack and then activating Masochism as it resets his attacking timer and can deal up to 180 attack damage and is amazing to use with his Infected Cleaver (Q)
R - Sadism
When Dr. Mundo's Sadism is activated, Dr. Mundo will spend 25% of his current health to then again regeneration of up to 100% of his maximum health over the course of 12 seconds, during these 12 seconds Dr. Mundo will also gain up to a 35% increase of movement speed allowing for a great combo of Q to slow the enemy down, E to kill them quickly and R to chase after them. Dr. Mundo's R is also amazing on tower diving due to the massive health regeneration.
Dr. Mundo's Q does a lot of damage to champions with a small cooldown and is good for laning phase pokes and is also good for taking down minions that are one hit away as if you kill the minion or champion with the Infected Cleaver it will refund all health used whilst throwing the cleaver.
W - Burning Agony
Dr. Mundo's W is a hard one to talk about as it is good in team fights dealing a splash magic damage effect although in early game it does drain your health quite a lot as it spends 30hp every second.
E - Masochism
Dr. Mundo's E is great, when attack an enemy I would suggest doing an auto-attack and then activating Masochism as it resets his attacking timer and can deal up to 180 attack damage and is amazing to use with his Infected Cleaver (Q)
R - Sadism
When Dr. Mundo's Sadism is activated, Dr. Mundo will spend 25% of his current health to then again regeneration of up to 100% of his maximum health over the course of 12 seconds, during these 12 seconds Dr. Mundo will also gain up to a 35% increase of movement speed allowing for a great combo of Q to slow the enemy down, E to kill them quickly and R to chase after them. Dr. Mundo's R is also amazing on tower diving due to the massive health regeneration.
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