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Sona Build Guide by NormalOstrich

Jungle Why?...

Jungle Why?...

Updated on September 9, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author NormalOstrich Build Guide By NormalOstrich 3,143 Views 0 Comments
3,143 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author NormalOstrich Sona Build Guide By NormalOstrich Updated on September 9, 2021
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Runes: Basically River

1 2
Fleet Footwork
Legend: Alacrity
Cut Down

Absolute Focus

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Challenging Smite

Challenging Smite

LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


Champion Build Guide


By NormalOstrich
How to do a clear
2 options,Gromp>Wolves>Krugs or Krugs>Gromp>Wolves on the first clear if you have no leash.
For krugs, try to keep the largest one behind the smallest one to reduce damage and smite large when its around half. Keep moving to not get hit too much and to proc fleet as much as possible.
For krugs>gromp, use w auto to reduce the damage you take and you won't die and it will leave you at around 75% health.
For Gromp start use w to basically just stall out the camp and smite when you are low and continue to auto it to death.
For Wolves in both, you should W auto the big and q on cd while autoing one little at a time. you can smite if you want but it's better for scuttle.
Gank style- early
You obviously deal little damage and have too low of health to go for all ins early, so you want to go for more poke heal ganks where you q and heal as you go by, while looking to keep the enemy jungle from killing lanes. If you can get a full fleet auto in, it will help you to not die and also be a major advantage gain for your team as a whole.
Gank style-after 6
You can look for some all ins right around now and you should be trying to get your laners ahead. Be sure to buy a bunch of control wards as you need them a lot. Your lanes are your late game survival so keep in mind that any advantage can add up very fast. You're a bandaid not a sewing needle.
Team fights
Try to get fights in river if you have water walking, stick behind the tanks or bulkier squishies, and use fleet with overheal to increase your effective health. You want to usually act as a bait because everyone wants to kill you. You should try to avoid fights while you don't have ult. You can use exhaust red w to reduce one poor soul's damage to your level so keep that in mind as it will ruin one fed laner's day. By taking everfrost, you can r then root the enemy team to make their days even worse.
You are a mosquito, not a gun.
How not get uber murderized
With exhaust, red smite, and sona passive, you can reduce incoming damage by over 70%. This is only to be used in case of major threats like eve, lee, noct, or diana. For most cases though, e auto with fleet is enough to build a large enough gap between you and the pursuer. If the pursuer is a champ that likes to ignore slows with either unstoppable or dashes, using w auto is the best choice to reduce incoming damage and increase your effective health. There is very little you can do to get away from champs with great mobility and sticking power as you tend to not out speed them nor do you out kill them, so this is the point where the triple damage reduction comes in. Just always keep warding and tracking the enemy jungle.
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