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Fiddlesticks General Guide by kimmer03

Middle Widdle down with Fiddle

Middle Widdle down with Fiddle

Updated on December 6, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author kimmer03 Build Guide By kimmer03 1,526 Views 0 Comments
1,526 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author kimmer03 Fiddlesticks Build Guide By kimmer03 Updated on December 6, 2017
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Fiddlesticks Mid

This guide will take you to through low ELO's easily as Fiddlesticks mid. The champ has a very low ban rate; so guaranteed to get the champ in a game. Also virtually there is no hard counter to Fiddlesticks. You will widdle down any champs in the midlane!

I will be updating this guide with more details but wanted to get the basic details out there to publish.
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Summon Aery - I choose this over Arcane Comet because of the cooldown of E being less than the Comet cooldown. You can get two Aery casts off E before getting getting second Comet cast... also there is potential to get Aery casts off of AA and W.

Ultimate Hat - Very important for playmaking Post level 6. Reducing Fiddlesticks ultimate by 15% along with item CDR and Cosmic insight, you can cast nearly every minute.

Transcendence - Any bonus CDR gives you bonus AP, and the inherent 10% at 10minutes gives you room for item customization.

Scorch - Early game poke versus late game Gathering Storm scaling. it really is a toss up... but Fiddlesticks is a great poking champion with high kill potential early on. 95% of the time I go Scorch.

Perfect Timing - Unless you snowball like crazy, you will not have a zhonyas before 6 minutes. This provides an early way to zone in a team fight, or a first tower take. Also, who doesnt like free gold to make Zhonyas later on?

Cosmic Insight - Can't think of a better Rune to synergize with Fiddle. Flash cooldown lowered, max CDR increased, flat CDR boost, and Item CDR (Zhonyas decreased). These are all critical to Fiddlesticks build.
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Insights into the final build:

Sorc Boots - No other boots for Fiddle really... Magic pen boost is great.

Morello's - All stats complement Fiddle's kit. Required to get max CDR with optimized AP. Grievous Wounds is great for team fights when you will be dealing dmg to ALL champs.

Rylais - Honestly, I am in love with this item because of the AP Boost with the crowd control slow. It also provides Fiddle with just enough survivability.

Zhonyas - This is a must for Fiddle sticks. CDR, and unlocks engage potential for Fiddle. I usually build this item first... unless I have not had to use stopwatch yet... If there has been no situation in the game that you have had to use stopwatch, then purchase other full items prior to Zhonyas (e.g. Morellos).

Banshees - Not just great for AP matchups, but also good in general to block initial spells when Fiddle engages. Also rounds out the rest of your CDR to get to MAX. I usually get this item late.

Ludens Echo - I prefer Ludens over Rabadons for the movement speed, Echo passive, and cheaper cost. If you find yourself snowballing really early and have the choice between the two... go for Rabadons. One of these items will be your primary AP boost.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author kimmer03
kimmer03 Fiddlesticks Guide
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Widdle down with Fiddle

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