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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Clean Cuts (PASSIVE)
Xayah Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Hi hello yes
I see a lot of fervor and warlords taken on xayah. while, yes those are good, what's even better is the fact that you can win early trade and burst harder later in the game. I've almost one shot a miss fortune at level 2. so take your gander at what you want. all it takes is a q and one auto to set it off and it deals most of anyone's health bar
you should aim at first backing somewhere around 1800. that will get you enough to buy your first bout of hurty items.
After that, stay in lane as long as you can (having your rakan gives you a lot more sustain) and save up for statik shiv first. should only be about 2200 after first back. that will give you wave clear early to push lane harder as well as damage to your E and attack speed.
After that, and potentially first turret, you should aim for youmuu's. that'll give you damage and negate most armor their tanks have acquired as well as the active which will give you some good speed to get into lane, and out of fights
Next on the list is phantom dancer. phantom dancer gives you a bit more crit as well as move speed and attack speed. that'll help furthermore with turrets and engages
afterwards, you should aim for infinity edge. IE is great bc its your second hard damage item and makes you hurt like a mother ***ker.
and lastly, you should nail down death's dance. that'll keep you healthy in a fight and have that nice little bonus ad.
top off all of that with an elixir of wrath every now and then and your good to go!
After that, stay in lane as long as you can (having your rakan gives you a lot more sustain) and save up for statik shiv first. should only be about 2200 after first back. that will give you wave clear early to push lane harder as well as damage to your E and attack speed.
After that, and potentially first turret, you should aim for youmuu's. that'll give you damage and negate most armor their tanks have acquired as well as the active which will give you some good speed to get into lane, and out of fights
Next on the list is phantom dancer. phantom dancer gives you a bit more crit as well as move speed and attack speed. that'll help furthermore with turrets and engages
afterwards, you should aim for infinity edge. IE is great bc its your second hard damage item and makes you hurt like a mother ***ker.
and lastly, you should nail down death's dance. that'll keep you healthy in a fight and have that nice little bonus ad.
top off all of that with an elixir of wrath every now and then and your good to go!
Farming with xayah is hella easy and fun. she bullies anyone who stands in/behind the minion wave from her passive and you have potential for free stuns (or even kills :^]) with her e. don't worry about lack of mana on xayah, her q should stay up whenever you need it. having your trusty rakan is also much needed for sustain in case they poke back you should aim for 100 farm at around 10 minutes. after a few games of that it becomes no surprise to hit 100 or more earlier
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