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Xerath Build Guide by InfyStar

Xerath for Beginners. Use With Cawshin.

Xerath for Beginners. Use With Cawshin.

Updated on March 27, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author InfyStar Build Guide By InfyStar 1,803 Views 0 Comments
1,803 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author InfyStar Xerath Build Guide By InfyStar Updated on March 27, 2013
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I start out with boots and Oracle's Extract because it makes great sustain early game. Then buy whatever you want because Storm Spirit is female. I also buy lots of pots to get high. Then I build into 4 more Tiamats because I need extra splash damage when using my W. I end with Sanguine Blade to keep it real. Then I buy 69 wards to put the cherry on top and always know where the enemy team is.
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This is a beginner's guide to Xerath. Soh Noh H8ting gaize.
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Xerath's Lore

Storm Spirit is literally a force of nature--the wild power of wind and weather, bottled in human form. And a boisterous, jovial, irrepressible form it is! As jolly as a favorite uncle, he injects every scene with crackling energy. But it was not always thus, and there was tragedy in his creation. Generations ago, in the plains beyond the Wailing Mountains, a good people lay starving in drought and famine. A simple elementalist, Thunderkeg by name, used a forbidden spell to summon the spirit of the storm, asking for rain. Enraged at this mortal’s presumption, the Storm Celestial known as Raijin lay waste to the land, scouring it bare with winds and flood. Thunderkeg was no match for the Celestial--at least until he cast a suicidal spell that forged their fates into one: he captured the Celestial in the cage of his own body. Trapped together, Thunderkeg's boundless good humor fused with Raijin's crazed energy, creating the jovial Raijin Thunderkeg, a Celestial who walks the world in physical form.
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I take 2 points in Defense and 22 in Jew Masteries because I'm not ****ing level ****ing 30 yet.

Defense: I take 2 points in Tough Skin because Xerath really needs a tan.

Jew Masteries: I take the Gold per second, and 40 extra gold start because I'm a jew. I also take Switness and masturbation points to increase Storm Spirit's Sustain.
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I take Gold Per Second Quints Because Like I said, I'm A Jew, Who Also Uses Caps In Every Word.
I also Take Crit Damage because Xerath needs to Crit minions to actually get cs.
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Pros / Cons

- Brother of Nautilus the Submarine
- Brother of Darvis the left handed shoe
- Sister of Teemo the hand of nexus
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Ranked Play

I'm still ****ing not level 30.
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Farming is an important part of being successful at the trumpet. When crafting a diamond hoe make sure to use the sticks from the great Malasyian trees. When planting crops make sure to not jump on them to reduce defection in your erection.
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Team Work

If you ever played L4D2 you would know that teamwork is optional. If you do use teamwork make sure to bait the enemy team by making Teemo your initiator. Then send in your 2nd Xerath to make them think it's you while you get the Pentakill and Acaruuu.
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Unique Skills

Xerath is an excellent AS bruiser used in the forbidden arts of summoning the Great Greek God, Squirtinmyanus.
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Chapter 11

This is the utmost important part of the guide. The only part that you need to succeed to jungle Zed correctly. Make sure to start with Noxian Diplomacy to make the target bleed from their anus. Once they are bleeding shadow dash into
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Creeping / Jungling

When creeping on your crush (Urgot) make sure to uses the brushes to your advantage and go Solid Snake on him so you don't get caught.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author InfyStar
InfyStar Xerath Guide
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Xerath for Beginners. Use With Cawshin.

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