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After the new morde pretty much cancer, try to camp him with ur jg.
Start e level 1 and block his dmg, lvl 6 all in
doublecast backwards when he tries to all in, play safe early 1-3. trade without using e first
Bait out his e and do short trades in ur minion wave
Ward lots and shove when he roams, you out scale if u go even in lane
Very easy matchup, dodge the q waste his mana and short trades
If the Gnar is good start d shield and farm undertower, short trades are optimal, try to cancel his jump with ur cc
Jarvan IV
Easy if he goes tank, you'shred him, if He goes lethality, play safe and dodge his eq
Need to bring ignite and kill early or he'll get iceborn/frozen, after that not much u can do
Hard matchup for beginners, need to out farm him and try to get a kill early with ignite
Easier than Garen, if he pulls you, e,w and disengage, can trade if he walks up with cooldowns
Impossible to comeback after she gets a few kills, dont ever try to all in her pre 3, bait out her w and then all in
This matchup is aids, dont fight him without a jungler as he will most likely out sustain you
Easy if you have experience in his trading pattern, insta lost if u don't, e,w when he all ins with counter strike and re-engage with autos and qs,
Similar to jax and fiora, need experience to understand this matchup. focus on landing free autos and using cc if she tries to e
hard lane phase, e start
Absolute hell for beginners dont pick into this if u don't have at least 10 games on riven, e her q/e all in at level 6, if she takes ignite just stay undertower
Very easy and squishy, e when he engages, only play agro after he uses his clone
Tanks are all very similar other than nasus, rush cleaver mortal and deathdance, e their cc move and long trade them with auto+qs
Rush hexdrinker just like u do for teemo, u'll beat him after a few items, shorttrades
He has strong sustain, used to be free matchup with fervor, now just try to get a kill early, you will outscale at 4-6 items
Very hard to trade with, his attackspeed reduction is annoying to trade against, if he pokes, just e
If the jayce is good, would be gg, he can poke you, dive, siege take objectives better than you can in the first 20 mins, play safe start d shield and e only trade if hes in hammer form
Same as jayce, if he knows the limits of panth, u cant win without a jungler, shove when he roams and hopefully u can make it to 25 mins, then its easy, get tabi and u can duel him
Take barrier if u have to, don't bother trading, wait for jungler and farm undertower
Weird matchup, get armor pen and melt him down, e before he flips and stun after, mercs are recommended u scale better
Very hard to trade with because of her passive, bait/cancel her e
absolute hell before ur major items, can easily out sustain ur poke in lane, hard to trade with because of his sustain
after patch 9.14 w buff, basically unbeatable unless if she misplays really hard
her damage is f***ed, really bad to all in if u don't have the damage, try to poke and dodge her e
quite easy for a ranged matchup, doesnt do much dmg and easy to trade with
short trades, after he ults try to disengage then re engage, dont be afraid to use r-r early
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