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Yorick Build Guide by Herence Till

Jungle Yorick from the Jungle

Jungle Yorick from the Jungle

Updated on August 10, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Herence Till Build Guide By Herence Till 4,004 Views 0 Comments
4,004 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Herence Till Yorick Build Guide By Herence Till Updated on August 10, 2024
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Runes: Beefy Yorick

1 2
Grasp of the Undying

Magical Footwear
Approach Velocity

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+2% Movement Speed
+65 Base Health


1 2
Usually common choice
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Gustwalker Smite

Gustwalker Smite

Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Yorick from the Jungle

By Herence Till
Who am I and why Yorick Jungle?

at first, this is not a High-Elo / Challenger Guide, as I'm just a Plat/Emerald Player (so far).
I main Yorick Jungle since 2 seasons now. In general I'm a big friend of Off-Meta Jungle picks. I discovered LOL in Season 3 and 4 for some casual gaming. Then I was sober for many years... till Season 12. I rediscovered LOL and play it more serious (but yes, serious Off-Meta Jungle, kekw). At least there is so far a steady improvement, and so we moving on...

Why Yorick? He is beneficial for the way I like to play my games and fit about many other factors (versatility, skins, sounds, etc.), which will be helpful to have long-term fun with a champion. More about playstyle at next chapter.

You can find my match history or check stats at following links:

From time to time I also turn on the stream:

Maiden "Your human form is so confining. You could be infinite."

Yorick "I am enough."
I think it is profitable to complete the needs of your team and also be able to farm as much as possible (your camps, enemy camps, objectives, towers). Farming is still quite efficient possible with Yorick, Maiden and the Boys, even if you go Tanky.

In solo-Q Teams there is very often a lack of Frontline. Yorick has of course not the ideal designed kit to be a Frontliner, BUT you are not just Yorick. You are also Maiden and some Boys. So you bring usually more tagets and 200% additional HP into a fight, instead of just your own HP. AND you have some kind of utility (slows & cage) + most notably you still bring along some respectable DMG.

Yorick benefit very well from AD and HP. So you can easily go more DMG or even full DMG/Lethality if needed.
If not needed you can pump up your HP and the HP from Maiden and the boys.

One of the largest deficit of your kid is the fact that you have no hard-cc. But your have your E slow Mourning Mist , Stridebreaker slow, maybe Iceborn Gauntlet slow and of course your cage. And on the other side you will have several tweaks for your move-speed on the other hand. Use it for chase, go in & out or reposition.

Your cage Dark Procession can use offensive for "lock up" an enemy (easy to focus/kill it or get a flash for free). and on the other hand your cage Dark Procession can also use defensive, for blocking (help you or your mates to escape, or cutting off an enemy who try to join a fight, enter drake/baron pit, etc.).

More about may usual playstile at chapter "First Clear and game plan".
Champ-select instructions - and how handle nonbelievers
Part of my game-plan start already at champ-select.

A big advantage of a flex-pick and especaly an off-meta pick is to confuse your enemys at champ-select and allow your team-mates to get a counter-pick or at least not get counter-picked from enemy laner. So I always try to manage that my top laner pick his champ late, and I always swap to the first pick(s) position.

My go to ban is Lillia .
But of course there are many more good ban options. Feel free to cross out what annoy you the most.

Sometimes you will have tilted or narrow-minded team mates, which go mental boom when they see a not-meta jungle hover. Try to be calm and kind. Ask if they like to see your Just that simple. As long as you are currently not in a heavy losing-streak, this will help most of the times.

If champ select is done and our team does not have a decent frontline (which is in solo-Q most of the time the case, becasue nearly everyone have the Main-Character-Syndrome), I pick my tanky Resolve-Runes. If not so clear how it will be or if I like to go more into DMG, I take Conqueror.
First Clear and game plan
First Clear:
Usualy you like to full clear and have LVL6 and Maiden Eulogy of the Isles as fast as possible.

Sometimes your team like to invade. In case all on the same page and your team have some got hard-cc you should join this plan. If not all fine with that or you dont have a good team composition for that you make clear that you will not follow that idea.

It will be more important to cover your jungle and make sure that the enemy will/can not easy invade. As you play an Off-meta jungler, this is quite often tempting for a strong early game jungler at enemy team to invade you.

Right as our Team got released from fountain, I run to upper bot-river-entrance and place a ward into the river.
Then I run over to top river entrance and cover that from the bush. While that I try not to get spoted by enemys.
This of course also implies that you don't let your mates leash. In best case they just cover the other top jungle entrance.

I usually start topside and full clear into bot side.
Blueside: Wolves, Blue, Gromp (finished by ghouls), Raptors, Red, Krugs
Redside: Raptors, Krugs, Red (finished by ghouls), Wolves, Blue, Gromp

Followed by a bot gank or bot scuttle (or both in best cases). Then I place a deep-ward at enemy bot jungle or bot river entrance (if the ward timer is already up again). Then immediately recall.

Buy Tiamat, switch to Oracle Lens and then you can clear 2 of your top jungle camps again. After that get into a good position for Voidgrubs. Trap enemy jungler there or take the Voidgrubs on spawn.

After that, the game will always evolve dynamically. Try to accomplish LVL6 as fast as possible. But also of course check if your team need help (gank, cover enemy ganks, help/allow your mates to get an easy back, etc.). If you team is fine, your focus will on farming your camps, enemy camps and objectives. Everything you can claim the enemy jungler can not optain anymore.

During Mid- into Lategame you must maybe skip/leave some farm behind for help your team at fights. If you have strategical well behaving mates the will wait for you to join. But very often in solo-Q your mates will be impetuous and overestimate themself. In that case you must rush to help them. Of course you always prefer to help your winning (well playing/feeded) team mates over your problematical-mate.
Teamfights and Lategame
Af first and most important, try to be around/ready when a bigger teamfight will happen. Don't go headless all-in. Try to create an outnumbering situation for your team by hitting an E Mourning Mist and a cage Dark Procession on a more squishy target. Of course you always try to cover/protect your most important carry.

Only go all-in if this will help your mates to clean up and Ace the enemy team.
If the enemy team gets Aced and your team can make progress for free your dead will be worthwhile.

If your ahead - The prio for farming jungle camps is not so high anymore. The prio is then claim objectives and helping your mates at team-fights. This will be for sure more important to keep and expand your lead. The farm you can/will pick up anyway as drife-by if you are ahead (throw some boys Shepherd of Souls at a jungle camp and move along).

If you are behind - Try to keep your mental up. Some of your team mates will not play serious anymore. They lose their lane and will start the blame game, feed enemys even more or even start trolling. Try to help your still well-in-game (still positiv) mental-stable mates. At least try to be calm by yourself, which can be sometimes quite hard in solo-Q losing games.
Keep your mental up, sometimes your team will lose.
Further more thoughts and hints
Track the enemy jungler:
This is naturally one of your maior tasks if you play jungle. Always think about where the enemy jungler will be. Then ping/warn your mates to be careful and take objective on the other side of the map or take his jungle camps. Or of course you can cover/countergank or discourage the enemy jungler for claim an objective. If you think your mates are not follow/recognise your pings about enemy jungler, then it will be probably better to cover potentail ganks/dives.

Keep your maiden with you:
In my opinion, as jungle Yorick there are not really often occasions where it would be helpful to recast Eulogy of the Isles and release Maiden for push on a side lane. It even can annoy your "my task is to pressure sidelane and have TP" team-mate. I think it is way more helpfull to have Maiden Eulogy of the Isles with you at a fight. Also your DMG output at objectives is significant higher. And at least creating/managing to keep your Ghouls Shepherd of Souls count up during clearing jungle camps will be effortlessness.

Safe time by let your boys finish jungle camps:
Already manageable during first clear, but must be trained/calculated well for early game.
After you have some levels and one/two items, you just need to start a jungle camp and can already move to your next destination/task and let your boys Shepherd of Souls finish it. This can safe a lot of time.
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