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Lux is extremely annoying to face against in the early match up, you're likely to die if the ADC manages to follow up on anything she does.
Survive until you or your ADC can engage safely and you will demolish her with CC.
This guy MELTS under CC, if you can catch him he is DONE FOR.
He can stop your engages but he wont be doing much else, it's a staring contest for most of the match.
Like most Spell casters that end up bot lane, you'll be extremely weak in the early game so if Ahri happens to catch you, might result in disaster.
Just survive until you scale up and CC her to death.
Extremely annoying poke can whittle you down early game but she doesn't have any escapes, your E is a death sentence with the right set up.
Just catch her being cocky and you'll win this match up.
Aurelion Sol
Annoying but doable, just keep him from getting free damage.
A really tough match up at the start and you risk feeding him as well if he continues to exploit your slow start.
Try your best to not die but it's gonna be miserable if your ADC can't fight him.
Doesn't do anything to you except potentially snuff engages, if he builds AP he might be dangerous but usually by then you'll be a lot tanker than at the start.
Support Zac is actually a really decent counter pick to Blitzcrank as Zac can peel off a grab if it happens to happen.
If you're grabbed early game though you will most certainly die so just avoid being picked off.
This is hell, Brand can do whatever he wants to you for the entire match, you've just gotta catch him playing stupid.
You have the potential to tank him later on but if he gets early kills you'll continue to suffer.
Braum can barely stop your engages with his Ult and his stun isnt too dangerous unless you're being caught out early game.
Just play smart and you'll beat the match up.
You DESTROY Caitlyn, Supp Zac easily a counter pick to her if you hate Caitlyn.
Can do whatever she wants to you and melts you like crazy, god help you if she's somehow the support.
Just catch her in team fights while she's distracted and you'll do fine.
Draven is really strong and has the potential to kill you really easily early game, just fight him carefully and smart.
Focus on peeling for your ADC when you can and mid game your E will catch him every time.
If he's Jungler then you might have a hard time if he decides to harass you but if he's going for your ADC you can stop him at every turn.
Burst damage screws you up quite a bit but if she's not too fed or better yet behind, you can easily catch her off guard and even turn it into a kill if she decides to gank you and your ADC.
Burst damage screws you up quite a bit but if she's not too fed or better yet behind, you can easily catch her off guard and even turn it into a kill if she decides to gank you and your ADC.
Ezreal is reknown for being a safe pick but if you're smart enough you can catch him teleporting if you aim your E a little farther ahead of him.
If your ADC is also confident and harassing his teleports, even better as you demolish him in an instant, even more so late game.
Fiddle can do a lot if he's competent, with some decent disengage with his Fear but he's way too squishy to fight you for long.
You demolish him mid game.
Fizz is a mixed bag but mostly if he wants your ADC and manages to land his ult there's not much you can do against it. Focus on CCing him as soon as possible even if he isn't near your ADC
Even if he ults you, your Passive could safe you from it at times but if he knows what he's doing he's extremely tough to protect your ADC from.
It's a staring contest, he can disengage you but not much else.
Garen tears you up, do not face him alone whatever you do!!
It's best to find him in a team fight where he isnt focusing you, he is not a CC priority unless he's the one carrying the match or if he's after someone in your backline.
It's laughable how much you can completely stop his ganks since he's mostly focused on shutting down AA. He's good against your ADC but you can peel him like a cheap sticker.
She is a nightmare to face against, especially if she's even remotely ahead, just try and CC her for your team mates to take care of.
You destroy this guy!!
His turrets are really dangerous for you early game if he's the support but if you manage to survive to mid game, you just ruin this guys day with your Q and your ability to dive past his turrets.
Don't fight him like you're invincible though, he can still melt you and will punish you if you let him.
Tough as hell and does tons of damage, like most top laners that get strong, just focus on keeping her CC'd.
Huge shame you can't Q off her tentacles though...
She is a nightmare to face against, especially if she's even remotely ahead, just try and CC her for your team mates to take care of.
Stops your engages pretty hard, she also pokes like crazy and can safely keep up the damage on you.
Your early game will be miserable if her ADC contributes to harassing you, just try to survive until you scale up more.
You demolish Jhin!! You pretty much counter a lot of what he does on a base level and he has no way of getting you off of him.
She's a little tough at the start and she can easily turn it around if she has a proper support to harass you with.
If you can catch her off guard though she is easily beaten down
You destroy Kaisa!
At level 6 she pretty much has no hope of surviving even a dive close to tower unless she gets lucky or her support is capable.
Keep her from getting free damage on you early game and you're set.
She out scales you hard and does crazy amounts of damage, if she's ahead she will most likely continue to be unless you and your ADC can shape up and catch her playing cocky.
She's a huge threat to your squishies but if you can predict her teleport you can snuff her out no problem.
Kayn has potential to destroy you and your ADC but he scales later and by then you'll have level 6, if your ADC is nice and CS'd up Kayn will most likely die trying to gank you.
He's still strong against Zac in the support lane, just play safe and make sure to peel for your ADC
YOU DESTROY KOGMAW!! He seriously can't do a thing to you at level 6, you are his counter pick for sure.
He can still kind of harass you early game and potentially kill your ADC so don't give him an inch.
Leona is crazy strong and can stop your engages pretty whole heartedly and without much threat to herself. It's gonna be a dangerous staring contest with Leona.
Just focus more on peeling than engaging when she's around until you and your ADC get stronger.
You can trash Lucian pretty easily when you reach level 6 but his poke is pretty good and he can face off against your ADC if you're not careful.
Play smart and just focus CC on him and you'll win it out.
She can stop your engages pretty easily and save her ADC a lot, she's really annoying to fight against but if her ADC doesnt follow up or struggles to fight your ADC then the most she can do is just focus on countering your engages and poking you.
It's a solid staring contest if he's support but if he's top lane honestly all you have to worry about is his Ult.
Master Yi
Yi can beat you easily if he focuses you and can out scale you hard if he decides to camp you in the early match.
Just focus on trying to peel him as best as you can, you'll have a much easier time at level 6.
Miss Fortune
She can poke you extremely easily in the early game and can chunk a lot of your health. If you're not careful you can easily feed her.
Just survive up until level 6 and you can safely dive her and destroy her, or if you can manage to communicate with your ADC.
Really annoying to fight against, there isnt anything you can do to stop her crazy long root except maybe get in the way.
She opens a lot of opportunity to kill you early game and will guarantee push you up to your tower.
Your best bet is to rely on help from your ADC until you reach level 6 and beyond when you can dive her more safely without risk of death.
I've never seen a Nami stop my engage without blowing Ult for it, her stun rarely lands since Zac moves around so much trying to pick up his Globs.
Once you reach level 6 and her ult is down, she is a free kill
He has crazy high damage early game and can easily beat you out in a staring contest. He's a bigger threat than Blitz crank due to him being able to safely trade with you since you don't do any damage.
You also can't really stop him from ulting your ADC, so you've gotta prepare some big brain peels or else he'll secure some kills.
Really annoying to fight, his Q is crazy strong and he can poke you safely. Everything in his kit can stop you from diving him and securing a kill.
Just wait till level 6 and try your best to keep him from pulling his shenanigans on your ADC
On paper she's Zac's counter and normally would be if she was in her own lane and you were jungle, but as support Zac you can just wait her shield out and E her anyways.
I find Poppy as a jungle not that threatening if you can see her coming.
So atrociously annoying to fight against, he will capitalize on the fact you can't block anything he does and he gets away 90% of the time if he has his dash ready.
His cloak is also makes him really annoying and can catch your ADC off guard, if he catches you early game it's probably gonna result in a death.
He really cant stop you, his ult is his best bet to slow you down and if he dives to stun your ADC he's pretty much just begging you to E him.
He has potential to really screw your ADC up but you can peel him off with some work. His engage is strong however so you might have trouble with the enemy bot lane fighting with him.
You have an easier time at level 6 though as you can push him off your ADC even if he taunts
Really tough to lane against, tanky as hell early game and beats you at everything.
Just try to survive until level 6 and you can manage her a little better.
Really annoying to fight against, there isn't anything you can do to stop her crazy long root except dodge.
She opens a lot of opportunity to kill you early game and will guarantee push you up to your tower.
Your best bet is to rely on help from your ADC until you reach level 6 and beyond when you can dive her more safely without risk of death.
Really annoying poke and can really harass you early game, peeling is gonna be tough since she pulls out so much more CC in a short amount of time with her Q.
You can beat her out similarly to sona once you reach 6 and you can safely dive.
Don't fight him alone whatever you do. You can most certainly shut him down otherwise, especially if he's cocky which most Setts tend to be.
Just catch him playing stupid.
Really tough match up, you can't do much to stop what he does and will kill the fuck out of you if you arent careful.
Some saving graces is that he is incredibly easy to peel off but he does crazy amounts of damage so if he decides to focus you, you might have a hard time.
She pokes you a lot at the start and can shield herself from your abilities but you can make her choose her poison at level 6 and beat her out.
She can poke you a lot safely for most of the match and will most certainly harass you, she can also pretty easily save her ADC, but if you're good at predicting E directory you can land some satisfying punishes.
Survive till level 6 and trash her!!
Soraka is a hard champ to play for most and you can easily avoid a lot of what she does. Sadly for her the same cannot be said.
If you got a confident ADC you can demolish her early game.
Tahm Kench
It's a staring contest but he beats you with his Q, since it does a ton of damage. His W is also not anywhere near as good as your engage so you can counter it without breaking a sweat.
Watch out for his ult though
Agony, just pure agony.
She can pretty much do whatever she wants to you for most of the game but if you've got a confident ADC you could turn things around on her.
Staring contest.
His poison really whittles you down a lot and he will destroy you if he has burn. I would not pick Zac into Teemo but if you have to fight against him
Just make it to level 6 while feeding as little as possible and you very quickly turn things around on him.
He beats you at everything especially if he knows what he's doing, he can just flat out stop you from engaging and then punish you for it.
He is most certainly a counter against support Zac.
She can escape from any engage if she's smart about how she fights you, but she'll most of the time leave her support in the dust which you can capitalize on.
His poison has potential to be really strong on you same as Teemo but he has a lot less options to beat you out than he does.
at level 6 you just flat out destroy him.
Pokes you for free and does crazy amounts of damage to you, he also stops you from healing which is also pretty crippling on Zac.
Play extremely safe against him and do your best to dodge his stuff until you can catch him off gaurd. You'll be relying a lot on your team during this match up.
Does a ton of damage and can decently disengage but you can shut her down if you manage to go aggressive with your ADC. Just play smart and safe and wait for an opportunity to shut her down.
Really really annoying early, he can pretty much do whatever he wants to you for a while and will try to get Q stacks off you.
Just wait till 6 and beyond and find the sweet satisfaction of landing a solid E on him.
While having a lot of CC, you can peel her off an ADC early, you pretty much have to or she'll blow everything on them.
She has potential to really shove you down and out scales you a lot. Avoid her like the plague until team fights
This guy is busted. 1 v 6 potential and you can't do much against him, he is very easy to see when ganking a lane though so you'll have plenty of time to prepare defending your ADC.
She can't do much more than ult you and maybe root you if she catches you off guard but if you just keep up smart plays she'll get trashed.
It's a tough match up but he can't stop you from engaging him and will rely a lot on his support to keep you from being on top of him.
He has potential to get really strong if he focuses your ADC but if you peel with all your might you can beat him out.
You flat out counter Yuumi, I'd say she is the character that suffers the hardest from Zac.
If she's on a low mobility hero you can dive them at any point during the match.
He has a lot of damage potential and he's a bit slippery but if you can catch him out especially if another team mate is around he is done.
A really tough match up, out ranges and pokes you like crazy and can secure kills on you easily.
Just wait till level 6 where you can tolerate damage more and catch him playing cocky
She can defend her ADC pretty well and can absolutely melt you if she prepares for a dive. Just do your best to take out her flowers and don't let her set up more, keep up pressure on her and soon enough you'll beat her out due to how tanky you get.
You pretty much save him from everything, he's slippery and hard to kill but you make for a nice parachute in those moments where the enemy team wants him really badly.
He's a crazy strong champion and your dive just enables him to go in where he normally wouldn't be able to.
She needs peel desperately and struggles pushing ahead confidentially.
However you cant sustain or heal her so if she takes extended damage from pokes she'll still be in trouble.
A strong champ made stronger with your peel!
This set up is decent but Ezreal already secures himself safely and while he can teleport, I find playing with randoms most Ezreals have trouble going in with you.
However this rating goes up to IDEAL with a competent and confident Ezreal
Absolutely perfect pair, you can secure kills for miles
Pretty standard, nothing outrageously noteworthy
You save her from a lot of things she normally would have trouble with, she might benefit more from champs that can heal her but Zac's peel is crazy strong and can help her dive with her ult safely
Miss Fortune
Most of the time you're going to conflict abilities, if you're with a random, you'll mistakenly pull or ult people out of her R unless you plan ahead.
Other than that if you manage to get some communication going this goes up to STRONG
She knocks up after you knock up! Crazy strong!
With a champ that has such a hard time going in, you can just keep those dudes held down for all that poison to sink in
She goes in and you go in!! It's a dive bananza!!
Your peel is super valuable to Teemo! Plus his blind really helps you out during matches against heroes that poke you down with AA.
You can clump up those dudes for effective Qs and make it so that his speed boost is kept up when he uses his W!
It's alright! He pretty much does well enough on his own you just secure it more firmly.
You two are soul mates. It was always meant to be.
You pretty much save him from everything, he's slippery and hard to kill but you make for a nice parachute in those moments where the enemy team wants him really badly.
He's a crazy strong champion and your dive just enables him to go in where he normally wouldn't be able to.
She needs peel desperately and struggles pushing ahead confidentially.
However you cant sustain or heal her so if she takes extended damage from pokes she'll still be in trouble.
A strong champ made stronger with your peel!
This set up is decent but Ezreal already secures himself safely and while he can teleport, I find playing with randoms most Ezreals have trouble going in with you.
However this rating goes up to IDEAL with a competent and confident Ezreal
Absolutely perfect pair, you can secure kills for miles
Pretty standard, nothing outrageously noteworthy
You save her from a lot of things she normally would have trouble with, she might benefit more from champs that can heal her but Zac's peel is crazy strong and can help her dive with her ult safely
Miss Fortune
Most of the time you're going to conflict abilities, if you're with a random, you'll mistakenly pull or ult people out of her R unless you plan ahead.
Other than that if you manage to get some communication going this goes up to STRONG
She knocks up after you knock up! Crazy strong!
With a champ that has such a hard time going in, you can just keep those dudes held down for all that poison to sink in
She goes in and you go in!! It's a dive bananza!!
Your peel is super valuable to Teemo! Plus his blind really helps you out during matches against heroes that poke you down with AA.
You can clump up those dudes for effective Qs and make it so that his speed boost is kept up when he uses his W!
It's alright! He pretty much does well enough on his own you just secure it more firmly.
You two are soul mates. It was always meant to be.
Well I'm just a casual player, I'm not ranked or anything, I just play Draft and goof off but I do it passionately! I love playing Zac and it makes even the worst of games feel great. I've noticed a lack of perspective on this aspect of Zac so I wanted to throw my hat in the ring and present my guide so other people might learn how to support Zac!
There will be those who say you are troll picking!! That you are feeding!! That you aren't doing your job!! DO NOT LISTEN TO THEM!! Support Zac is an investment the ADC has to believe in, where you might start off weaker than some tanks you eventually evolve into a kill securing BEAST.
[Support Zac pros] + Kills secure where no one has ever secured before!
+Your peel is insanely good
+You often out scale other tanks and become a bigger threat during team fights
+Late game BEEF
[The cons] -You are squishy till level 6
-You can't stop pokes at all
-Your res is gonna be useless most of the time
-Relies on ADC equally as they rely on you
Support Zac unfortunately suffers a lot from his match ups, you'll find yourself mostly playing safe and you open potential early leads if you give up kills. However I'm here to show you how you can play your best as Support Zac!!
The Early game
The biggest hurdle for Zac and often what decides the rest of the match, what you'll wanna look out for the most is facing up against a mage support like Lux/Brand/Viegar
as they can just do whatever they want to you and you just gotta either dodge or take it. The upside is that they'll often realize this and keep pressure off your ADC in favor of trying to fish out a kill!
I've had surprising amount of success baiting out an early gank by popping Cell Division during the fight and my ADC has success in cleaning up at least one of them while they try to secure the final blow on me. If you're confident in your partner you can even use your weakness to your benefit, don't rely too much on it but you can make some plays with cocky dudes who wanna get up in your stuff!
So another thing to focus on Zac is when exactly should you dive? It's a delicate art and it's so precise I don't think I could competently give a comprehensive guide on all potential possibilies but I'll give you my perspective!
An important thing is to look at your match up, how much can they protect themselves? How much CC they got, do they got a tank support or a mage support? Is the ADC gonna destroy you before yours even realizes you've dived?
You've gotta ask a lot of questions a lot but a big thing to remember is the element of surprise should be your focus and even just the threat of diving on the enemy can be a strong tool. Standing in bushes or just pressing and holding E in the lane and canceling can make the enemy team stay on their toes and make them less aware of when you'll actually plunge in. You wanna avoid going in most of the time early, BUT if you got an ADC who's particularly hungry or aware you can get an early kill.
I find it most easily to snowball off a mage support, seeing as when you dive in later levels like 6, you'll be doing a full combo of E>Q>W>R You'll catch them off guard too as for most of the match you've been backing off and playing timid and then suddenly you flip the script on them.
You'll have the best luck with ADC who have a dive or teleport so they can quickly get to you once you plunge on top of the enemy but even if they cant you can just plan ahead and allow the enemy to push up to tower. As Zac this is an ideal position for a double kill as they've got an entire lane to walk back towards. Zac is also perfect for securing kills with Jungle, if you have a jungle that has a hard time catching people in lane he will LOVE you.
Level 6
So the moment you get your Ult is when you come online, you're ready to gun for your upward slope of scaling, if you got boots by this time you're also sitting pretty with tons of potential. This is where you make those poking dudes pay for bugging you during the first half of the match but again it's important you keep in mind your limits and the capabilities of the enemy team. Generally you don't wanna go roaming unless you're confident of the enemy's positioning, people more skilled than me might manage it but roaming potential as support Zac is insane, you're pretty much a second Jungle.
Mid-Late game
So you're gonna be crazy tanky late game and during team fights you're gonna be a major contender for the greatest kill securerer ever. You'll pretty much sail smooth just like you would jungle Zac, you'll be looking for huge dives and just helping your team where ever possible! Make sure you keep the backline down as well, you don't wanna be CCing the tanks unless they're fed, you'll wanna lock down the ADC and support ideally.
I'm not a competent writer or even the best player, so if you found my guide lacking in places, I trust you'll take the reigns and decide for yourself what information I gave is valuable. Support Zac is just for fun after all and I hope you have fun!
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