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Ziggs Build Guide by Jimmy McBritish

AP Carry Ziggs' can run and gun

AP Carry Ziggs' can run and gun

Updated on December 14, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Jimmy McBritish Build Guide By Jimmy McBritish 2,090 Views 0 Comments
2,090 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Jimmy McBritish Ziggs Build Guide By Jimmy McBritish Updated on December 14, 2012
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Ziggs is My favorite champion in the League of Legends because well lets face it, he blows **** up. The best part about Ziggs though is he can be quite the caster if you can play him well enough. Yes Ziggs is slow and yes he has very little mana and health. What Ziggs does have though is the ability to change the game very rapidly, Not only for himself but his whole team. Ziggs can through an uber sized Hexplosive almost anywhere at any time, he has a fear factor to him. When there is a team gank at Baron, Ziggs can turn the tides with his R ability (Mega Inferno Bomb) and deal close to 1000 damage, giving your team the upper hand. If he needs to get away quickly Ziggs can simpley drop a Satchel Charge, and blow himself out of harms way. If thats not enough he can toss a Hexplosive Minefield behind him for another quick escape. He can even keep those tanks at bay using his Bouncing Bomb. Ziggs, is an all around utility champion. He can do it all but heal, but if you have heal then you solved that little problem!
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The Build

This build is strictly for middle lane, although is can build well for the others, its just not as effective. One of the main reason i purchase Rode of Ages first is because Ziggs has such a low many pool early game. Ziggs also has very low health, and being in middle and being Ziggs your going to get ganked. Which brings me to the boots, now normally i would recommend Sorcerer's Boots, but being has Ziggs is one of the slower champions i find it better to roll with Boots of Swiftness instead. Although that is a preference. Now i bet your looking at this and thinking to yourself "Why the hell get Rylai's Crystal Scepter?" Heres why i choose it, because i generally purchase this item by level 8 to 10, being a mid game item, thats when middle gets ganked a lot more, and the extra health is nice, but you don't suffer from AP lose. After all that is said and done, i finish up with Rabadon's Deathcap for the last three slots to get that extra "BOOM!" when going for the enemies base, or in big team fights. Hope you enjoy this build as much as I do.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Jimmy McBritish
Jimmy McBritish Ziggs Guide
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Ziggs' can run and gun

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