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Ziggs Build Guide by Snakeninja1

Jungle Ziggs jungle

Jungle Ziggs jungle

Updated on January 8, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Snakeninja1 Build Guide By Snakeninja1 57,553 Views 1 Comments
57,553 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Snakeninja1 Ziggs Build Guide By Snakeninja1 Updated on January 8, 2014
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All u need to know

Jungle Ziggs is something I've tried multiple times. You need a hard leash to start but after level 2 it starts to get easy. Throw out the mines in front and engage the monster with your bomb. As for ganking you have to wait to level 3 at least. If u can get behind u hit them with a charge bouncing them forward. Then u place your mines behind em and hit them with all u got. Also the ability order does not matter much after lvl 6 so go on however you do best.
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Pros / Cons

While Ziggs may have many keys for stopping them from running, if seen it can be hard to catch up. Also if being chased u can use your charge, if timed right, to push away enemies as well as yourself. He is not very blue buff dependent so u can give the blue to your mid a lot faster than some of the others.
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Some tips for fights.

While Ziggs' burst are something many people do not want to run into, there are still a handful of champions out there that will either tank or avoid your burst. If they are tanking it beware. This may be someone you want top avoid or get another teammate to fight. If they are simply dodging you can probably handle them, but make sure to keep some separation just in case. In order to avoid being caught off guard keep your charge for when either they start to run and you need to stop em or until they get close. This allows you to either chase or run if necessary.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Snakeninja1
Snakeninja1 Ziggs Guide
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Ziggs jungle

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