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Zilean Build Guide by FlamingSurge

Jungle Zilean Jungle, you can win in a Zilean ways.

Jungle Zilean Jungle, you can win in a Zilean ways.

Updated on April 1, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author FlamingSurge Build Guide By FlamingSurge 3,272 Views 0 Comments
3,272 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author FlamingSurge Zilean Build Guide By FlamingSurge Updated on April 1, 2014
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Hi. FlamingSurge here. This is my first guide and I hope you like it. I am a big fan of playing champions where there not supposed to be. This guide is not a troll, even if you think it is. With Zilean jungle, you're early game can fall off a bit. Because of this, you need a VERY hard leash.
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Jungle Route

As I said before, You need a very hard leash from your teammates when you start.
The jungle route is as follows:
Ancient Golems.
Elder Lizard.
If allies ready, Gank bot, if not, Do Golems.
If you did gank bot, then back and buy.
If you didnt gank bot, Try for mid, grabbing wraiths along the way
If your ally still wasn't ready in mid, get wolves and back and buy.
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When I gank, I like to E myself, QWQ my target enemy, wait a bit and help with basic attacks, then E my ally so they can finish the job on the target enemy. I also like to use method number 3. If you don't want to have the wait, then you can just E yourself and then QWQ and walk away. Your last option for ganking is using your E on your target enemy, QWQing them, and then you and your ally can finish him/her off.
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Why Zhonyas? / Skill Sequence.

Maybe your asking Why should I get Zhonyas? Well, because it helps with sticky situations (and gives you a nice hunk of AP). Say you're very low and recalling in a bush, and there half health ADC walks in on your peaceful recalling session. What do you do? Well you QWQ Zhonyas and you'll be fine. The QWQ will finish them off, and you will be in golden mode and they wont be able to kill you and you will kill them and you can go back to your peaceful recalling session. Obviously, since I've said it so many times Zileans combo is QWQ. It will do massive AOE damage, or if your opponent is isolated, maybe they will be stupid enough to bring the second bomb back to there team. Also, DON'T BE AFRAID TO USE YOUR ULT. Worst case scenario, you use your ult and your teammate doesn't die, best case scenario, your teammate dies and is brought back to life.
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Zilean is a very underrated and underplayed champion, so no one will know how to counter you. Also, I love jungle Zilean as he is very fun to play. Thanks for reading my build, Enjoy jungle Zilean, and I'll see you on the rift.

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League of Legends Build Guide Author FlamingSurge
FlamingSurge Zilean Guide
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Zilean Jungle, you can win in a Zilean ways.

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