This matchup is pretty easy in the early game. If he tries to trade with q you can e or q auto q auto him. If you want to play aggressive you can go Electrecute, if you want to poke safely you can go Aeri, its up to preference. In the late game he can be kind of scary so just try to kill him in lane or roam.
Lots of Dashes, you can not really hit your skillshots.
Try to stand behind minnions so she cant hit her e. Try to hit e, if you dont hit it go back.
Go teleport, you usually dont have kill presure if she is good. One bad R and she can q e r you and you are probably dead.
You gotta poke or or you are dead. After 6 she oneshots you, stay out of range and try to oneshot her before you will get oneshotted.
He has good poke and he can dash out of your e. Pretty tough matchup.
Scary level 1 and 2. After that, you can try to e him, if it doesnt hit you gotta run. If you hit your skillshots you win, if you miss it and you arent near your tower, you are probably dead or at least low. You loose long trades.
You can still hit your skillshots while she is in her w. Try to roam, she can dodge your e with her e and then kill you if she hits it. In mid game she is pretty tanky, you usually dont have the damage to kill her.
You can oneshot him after one item. Try to dodge his poke early, if you get ahead or even, its easy.
If you get a lead you can oneshot her. She wins long trades all game so dont get too close to her.
You can oneshot him all game. Easy Matchup.
Oneshots you later, early she outtrades you. Go Aeri and try to poke her. Zhonyas 2. is helpful.
If you dont go melee you win early trades. You can oneshot him if nobody wakes him up. If he ults you know his next position so you can try to throw your e there.
He oneshots you most of the game, he can make your e disappear. I usually dodge, its not really playable.
You outtrade him early. If you hit your e you can chunk him. I dont have any problems playing against him.
He can place a tower in front of him to dodge your e. If you land an e you can oneshot him. He pushes fast so you can think about taking teleport.
She can dodge your e with her q. Try to poke her and be ready to run if she has 4 stacks on her passive and she jumps on you. You can dodge her e or her ult with your r.
You can oneshot him earlier then he can oneshot you.
Dodge his q and hit your e. Easy kill.
His shield is annoying. He scales more then you but lane is okay.
Her e is annoying because she can dodge your skillshots. You can try to bait her into a knife and then e her if she uses e to go to the knife. If she ults its easy to land your e because she has to decide if she e and breaks her ult or if she doesnt dodge.
Pre 6 easy. After 6 be ready to get ganked and stunned for some seconds.
If you can dodge she is easy to kill.
He pushes all the time and has suppression. Try to auto him before you hit your e or q to break his shield. I prefer teleport.
If he w you you can cast your e and it usually hits. Otherwise his dogs block your stuff.
Dont stand near minnions. Her e gets longer through minnions. Count minnions.
You outtrade her early and in mid game you can oneshot her.
If you hit e and he uses his e wait until you q him, your e puts him into sleep longer then his e is. After his w q e combo, if he triese to disengage, you can hit your e.
She can oneshot you after 6, Zhonyas if important, 2. item. She can dodge your stuff but if you stay away from her you can maybe win with roams or ganks.
You can outtrade him early and you can oneshot him.
He is pretty tanky, you win early burst trades.
If he e into you you can land your e. Zoes ultimate is useless for him.
She outranges you. She is pretty hard to hit. Try to win with ganks and roams. You can oneshot her if you land an e.
Hit your e and oneshot her. Dodge her stuff. Easy win.
Zhonyas. Dodge 2 part of his w. If he q into you you can land your e.
Twisted Fate
He doesnt have enough damage to kill you. Try to predict his junglers movement, ping his roams. Oneshot him.
If you let him scale he wins. Before that he is free kill if you land e.
Dodge his stuff and oneshot him.
If she has her fear ready dont trade. If its down trade. Dodge her r with your r.
You can outpush him and roam. If he doesnt dodge you can kill him. He is useless early.
If you land e and he casts his w you can q a bit later to still land your q and make his w useless. If he w before you land e go back. Poke him and go back if he has empowered q.
Outranges you. You can dodge his stuff with your r. Land e or ask for help.
He can dodge your e with his e or his w. He can dodge your q with his w. Try to poke and ask for help.
Its up to you. If he e into you and you land your e he can cast e again and cleanse it but that also makes his e useless. You can poke him but usually cant full combo him.
Dodge his w e q combo, if he ults you throw your e behind you. Buy Zhonyas.
He has high range stuff. Pretty tough matchup.
She pokes you early but in mid game or if you get a lead you can outpush her and oneshot her or roam.
He has a lot of CC, you can land your skillshots better.
Much CC, easy to hit your e.
Good ganker. If she hits w you can hit your e.
He has a lot of CC, you can land your skillshots better.
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