Try not to push minions too far. Stay even or closer to your turret. Even better if you can block his Q's with your E-W combo
Try to keep your distance from him and enemy adc. Better to play closer to your turret.
Pretty disgusting support help your ad to push your lane more often and buy a refillable potion on your first back.
I just ban this champion directly as in high elo people are really good at dodging skills and his movement speed+healing makes her even more difficult to kill. Buy refillable potion and try your adc push the wave more often.
Her skills can kill plants fast but pretty squishy. You can run comet rune, if you get hit by her skills more often get refillable potion.
If you take electrocute you should be safe
Can kill your plants fast and his R bounces from plants to you, so try not to get stunned. Get a refillable potion early on.
Try not to get hit by her Q to not get hit by her all combo. If she misses her E and Q, try to engage before she gets them back. Early refillable potion is necessary.
Just run electrocute rune page. With a good positioning you should most probably win the laning. Don't try to save your flash if you sure his Q is coming onto you. In case you get hooked use all your abilities on adc and ignite, this way you may still survive and even get a kill or two
Just run electrocute rune page. With a good positioning you should most probably win the laning. Don't try to save your flash if you sure his Q is coming onto you. In case you get hooked use all your abilities on adc and ignite, this way you may still survive and even get a kill or two
If he tries to engage on you or your adc use your spells on enemy adc instead of him. With a good decision making you should be able to win.
If the enemy support is twitch just take electrocute rune page, because if he appears in front of you by landing your abilities you can deal good amount of damage on him. If he keeps roaming other lanes all the time, put a control ward to the bush, help your adc push the minions all the time and try to dive enemy adc if he is left alone.
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