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Zyra Build Guide by Jhaenerys

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Updated on October 30, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Jhaenerys Build Guide By Jhaenerys 1,992 Views 0 Comments
1,992 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Jhaenerys Zyra Build Guide By Jhaenerys Updated on October 30, 2018
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It will plant the seeds more often in the bushes, sometimes two at a time. They disappear sooner than the one planted with . There can be maximum 8 plants on the battlefield at a given time, after that you passive won't do anything until a plant dies or disappears.
Can deal a lot of damage and creates ranged plants, very usable for pokes.
You can use this spell after your or quickly, it will work. Best option to cast your or and then quickly cast your twice, so there will be 2 plants working for you.
Since this spell roots not only the first target, but everyone it hits, you can root your enemies behind the minions also. Try to use this for your advantage!
Can be easly avoided, try to root your enemies with before casting your ultimate. Try to give birth as many plants as you can on that place, where you want to cast your in order to be the most effective.
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In early game try to be offensive, but always remain behind your minions.
Use your often, plant the seeds in the bushes, in the corners, near your turret, so if anything surprises you, there will be some plants to slow the enemy down.
Try to poke the support or the ADC out with your + combo.
When it's time for defense or attack: + (root + slow) -> + (damage + ranged attack) -> (damage + knockup + buff for your plants).
Use your to check for bushes, it has bigger placing range than wards, so you can safely check for enemies before warding.
Before you go home, alway plant your seeds, if nothing happens, you didn't lose anything, but if an enemy champion appears, the + combo will ensure, that the enemy will not be only rooted, but also slowed. It may be a good opportunity, to go after a kill also.
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Skill Sequence

Start with your , so you have free vision in the jungle, can ensure, that enemy can't surprise your team. Then max the for longer lasting root, it will give you and your ADC a huge advantage.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Jhaenerys
Jhaenerys Zyra Guide
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